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Questions tagged [startup]

For questions regarding the processes that automatically run after booting or after the GUI login.

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17 votes
2 answers

Turn off bluetooth by default on start up

When I boot my laptop, Bluetooth is on by default: Is it possible to set it to instead be off when I start up my laptop?:
dagrha's user avatar
  • 675
10 votes
2 answers

How can I let applications start up automatically while booting?

Is there an easy way to let applications start automatically, like in Windows: simply put a link in the autostart folder, or enter the path and the name of the executable in the registry?
blabliblupp's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Generally speed up elementary OS

I'm dual-booting Xubuntu and elementary OS just for fun and comparison... I'm finding Xubuntu faster and smoother, which is a big surprise to me, as I was sure the ultralight Pantheon desktop would be ...
Robin's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to setup your NTFS drives/partitions to mount on elementary OS startup?

I have installed elementary OS freya installed on a drive which also contains another ntfs partition which I would like to mount at system startup. Is there a way I can do this?
Pranav Karanjkar's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How can I use another window manager, such as Kwin, in place of Gala?

If I want to use another window manager by default, what process would I need to go through to achieve this? I would like it to work along with cerbere.
RolandiXor's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to edit startup applications?

If I go to Settings, Applications, Startup, all I see is: I remember I had added a few startup scripts (conky etc) and applications (xbindkeys) but I cannot see them there. I think they were added ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Prevent AppCenter window opening on startup?

I noticed that since a while the AppCenter is opened when I boot into elementary OS. I'm not revering to checking updates in the background, I mean the AppCenter window is opened. Is there a way to ...
Peter Uithoven's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Turn off bluetooth on startup

I'm looking for a way to have bluetooth turned off every time I start my computer, but without loosing ability to turn it on again using only switch in wingpanel. I've seen many answers to similar ...
sajran's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I mount a network filesystem on boot?

I have a server I connect to using ssh in pantheon-files, how do I make the network file system remain mounted after reboot?
John Guerreiro's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Automounting external drives in Elementary OS

I've got a couple rsync scripts that I'm wanting to setup with my external drives, but I'm nervous that I'm going to blow something up if one of my drives isn't auto-mounted on startup. Earlier today, ...
jaywiq's user avatar
  • 31
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1 answer

How can I make conky run on boot?

I would like to set conky as a start-up application so I do not have to run conky in the terminal after every boot. My conky is based of a template I found on reddit and I have edited it. It can be ...
Robbie White's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to run sudo commands on start up?

After I start up, I open Terminal and run 2 sudo commands. I am trying to automate this step. I issue these 2 commands (to activate a 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse 3D mouse): sudo xhost + sudo /etc/init.d/...
Winston's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Plank not starting after reinstall

I am having some issues with Plank, so I uninstalled it by doing apt remove --purge plank. After reinstalling it, I could run the dock by starting it on the command line, but it would not start with ...
Délisson Junio's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Settings-Applications-Startup list versus ~/.config/autostart

The author of this question states in a comment that he solved the problem of adding an app to startup by linking its desktop file to ~/.config/autostart. Trying to test that I see on my system a big ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Add to Startup an application that is not showing

I want to automatically start the telegram desktop client when I login. But it doesn't show there when I try to add it in Settings-Applications-Startup But its desktop launcher file is in ~/.local/...
MrGreenTea's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to remove or hide the GRUB boot menu in elementary OS?

I installed another distro to second drive, and later removed it. Now when I boot, I get grub prompt with 30 sec choosing time. It didn't happen with fresh elementary install, bootloader didn't even ...
stmas's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I diagnose slow disk I/O?

I downloaded Freya, installed it alongside Windows, updated it, but it's response is too slow. It takes too long to boot, files take time to open, sometimes it just gets stuck. I checked for bad ...
David Reigh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to add a script to start up sequence so that it applies before the actual login screen?

So I have this script that changes the resolution of on of my monitors that works and that I was able to run on login by adding it in settings»Applications»Startup. The only problem is that I need it ...
Tin jus's user avatar
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1 answer

How to launch an app at startup in minimized mode?

I want to start the default mail application at startup in minimized mode. While the System settings app allows applications to be added to launch at startup, there is no option to start the specified ...
Sanchit Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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Long boot time after recent updates [duplicate]

Everything was running smooth and fast till I updated my system. It is evident that the newest updates are causing this +2minutes boot time. suspicious boot times are enclosed in asteriks systemd-...
egy's user avatar
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1 answer

Startup Application open terminal and run command

I want to create a custom command in startup applications that will open a terminal and run a command. The command is an alias for connecting to an ssh server. Alias schat Command ssh [email protected]....
Schmorrison's user avatar
2 votes
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Can not mount old encrypted home partition

Computer: Acer Aspire 4752 Intel core i3-2330M, 6GB RAM,500GB HDD I had the 64-bit elementary OS Luna with the following disk partitions: /dev/sda1(400GB) as /home /dev/sda2(30GB) as /root /dev/sda3(...
Mann's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote
1 answer

Run AppImage on Startup

I have an AppImage executable file which I need to run on startup. I have given the file permissions to execute, it is currently 764. To open the application from terminal, I just the type the path, ...
thegreyd's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make a script run at startup (not from settings)?

I need to make a script run at startup to launch an application. How do I do this outside of the GUI (outside of settings>applications>startup)?
John's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom command won't run at startup

I need to remap the Capslock key of my keyboard to backspace. I use the command: setxkbmap -option caps:backspace & xset r 66 which works perfectly when run from the terminal. But if I set it ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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1 answer

Stuck with windows Automatic repair loop after installing eOS alongside Windows 10

I recently installed Elementary OS alongside my windows 10 PC. After successfully installing eOS I can't boot to Windows 10. I click on the option to boot to the partition that windows 10 is installed ...
Zack Amaral's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to set startup commands for application´s in launcher shortcut?

How can i set startup commands for application´s in launcher shortcut? Example: I want to start my Browser with this command: opera --disable-reading-from-canvas --disable-webrtc-encryption or ...
MyAvatar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to disable startup chime?

When first booting up my MacBook Pro running Elementary OS, there's a rather loud startup sound effect. I have my desktop volume turned all the way down and also toggled off, however this doesn't seem ...
ferus's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to change default runlevel

How to change default runlevel prior to installing NVIDIA driver? I know I have to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 on logon screen.
Nicolas's user avatar
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1 answer

KODI is the only program i can run

I had KODI configured to start automatically while running the beta. I upgraded to the released version (sudo apt-get update, upgrade and then dist-upgrade). It seemed to run successfully and KODI ...
Clayton's user avatar
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1 answer

Delaying startup applications

Is there a way to delay applications on the startup? I have a Nimbus installed (Weather widget) and set-up to start on the startup, but it looks like Nimbus actually starts before my Wi-Fi is done ...
Miljan Trajkovic's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

what services start during pantheon-session startup 🤔?

for some performance reasons, I have installed icewm on elementary os hera . I want to discover which services start for a pantheon-session by default , and enable them in icewm-session manually . ...
MasterPythoner's user avatar
1 vote
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No Elementary (or Unbuntu) Option in Boot menu at startup

I am both a new and novice user when it comes to Linux. I recently installed Elementary alongside Windows 10 (Education), using the default install option. But on the boot menu it only gives me the ...
LinuxOrion's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

PCloud on the startup

I have installed the pcloud appimage which runs fine once I click on the pcloud icon in the Applications menu. But unlike dropbox it does not run on startup automatically - even adding it in the list ...
adm's user avatar
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0 answers

problem while botting up (unable to show plymoth screen)

From the time I installed the elementary os. Sometimes when I boot my system up then the system does not start, means the booting process does not work as usual so I need to shut down by pressing the ...
Ashad's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

startup with vpn connected

At startup, computer connects to network automatically. Can I also have computer start with vpn connected/connect as the next step automatically?
kircos's user avatar
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1 answer

Turn off LAN (Ethernet) by default on start up

I noticed that bluetooth and Network settings are restoring to defaults on startup. I find an old topic how to switch bluetooth off on start up. Turn off bluetooth by default on start up Now I want ...
Max Meier's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can't start the OS because of video problems

I have a Windows 10 computer, I've created a 100 GB partition to install Elementary OS, I've used Rufus to create a bootable USB device. The installing process is perfect, I have no problem, it runs ...
pianka's user avatar
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0 answers

missing elementary "e" logo on startup and shut down display

After upgrading a fresh installed elementary OS freya 0.3.1 64bit with apt-get dist-upgrade on start up (booting the computer) and shut-down instead of the "e" logo appears a fast running list of ...
Olaf's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Too long to power up [duplicate]

I guess this may be a repost, but I'm using a very good pc(i7-4720HQ, 8gb ram, gtx 950m 4gb) and after I enter my password is taking like 1-2 min for dock and wingpanel to show up. Does anyone know ...
Darius Al.'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to execute sudo commands after login?

I would like to execute a command which requires sudo privileges. Specifically, I want to set my CPU frequency to a performance governor using the following script. sudo cpufreq-set -g performance ...
Orlando Lewis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I have a problem starting elementary OS

I have successfully installed elementary OS alongside my primary Windows 8.1. (Laptop - ASUS X202E) But there's no option to launch it anywhere. I can only launch my Windows. (I've checked if the OS ...
Roman's user avatar
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1 answer

Some startup commands not executing

Added xrandr --output eDP-1 --gamma 0.9:0.85:0.9 to the start up commands but its not executing on startup, even when xset m 0/1 0 executes. Pic:
LeoMainini's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Startup command won't execute

I need to run the command at startup to calibrate my screen using Xcaliber xcaliber --bR=256 --bG=256 --bB=212 --gR=1.04 --gG=0.9600000000000001 --gB=1.01 So I tried to set it as a custom startup ...
neodyme's user avatar
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1 answer

1,414 lines of syslog has been written when computer starting up - is it normal?

My Elementary OS on 4.4.0-53-generic kernel. It writes about 1,414 lines syslog at every startup. Actually my computer starts a few seconds late today as never before. (Last night I run the command ...
efkan's user avatar
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ElementaryOS on Macbook Pro 2012 does not start any more

I have a strange combination of behaviour on my MacBook Pro 2012 that has been running fine until recently. After a holiday, I tried to start it and nothing happened. I heard some quiet startup fan ...
philburns's user avatar
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1 answer

Wingpanel and system app not repsondong

Using for several months. Now wingpanel got stuck after a min from loading and during that a notification will appear network not connected. After that most of the system app will not respond and sudo ...
Prashanth Sebastian's user avatar
0 votes
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Stuck at welcome logo whenever I try to start

I am beginner and last time I didn't make any configuration or change When I got stuck I just force shutdown my laptop and I could've never start anything
Lutfiah Dewi's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Bootloop when trying to try out elementary os from bootable usb

I'm trying to try out elementary os from a bootable usb, but every time I hit the 'try elementary os' button, the pc shuts down and when I boot it again, I receive the exact same screen and the same ...
Ruben's user avatar
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1 answer

keyboard and bank security app

My keyboard stop working properly since I installed elementary os number six is not working in any of the keys. besides that some keys are not working in my brazil, no dead keys keyboard (I also ...
Lili's user avatar
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