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12 votes

How can I change the names of paired/connected remote bluetooth devices?

This information is still valid for Ubuntu 22.04 First of all, following steps are directly derived from answer by @wolf Note: This answer has only been tested on Ubuntu 16.04(Dropped here from ...
Vinay Vissh's user avatar
5 votes

Reinstall Bluetooth elementary OS

First, unblocking solution found there rfkill unblock bluetooth systemctl enable bluetooth.service systemctl start bluetooth.service afterwords the solution for the bluetooth audio from this link ...
Bo rislav's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I accept a file via Bluetooth?

I have managed to fix this in elementaryOS 5 (Juno). You might be able to do this on lower versions as well: Pair the device with your computer using the default Bluetooth settings in the control ...
Pieter De Clercq's user avatar
4 votes

How can I change the names of paired/connected remote bluetooth devices?

I don't use bluetooth so I can't test, but I found something that should work: When your device is connected, it should be listed in /var/lib/bluetooth by its MAC address. In that MAC address folder ...
wolf's user avatar
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4 votes

Fix bad quality audio in Bluetooth headphones

Funnily enough, I found the answer while writing this post, so I might as well write my first-ever Q&A post on StackExchange. You have to go to Sound Settings and under the options for your ...
RobotUnderscore's user avatar
4 votes

How to disable Bluetooth by default?

Open /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and change AutoEnable=true to AutoEnable=false.
22of7's user avatar
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4 votes

Bluetooth connceted speakers - volume not adjusting

I found an older post regarding this situation for Ubuntu 15.04 and a bug report that was filed for it. That can be found here: ...
linux_tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Turn off bluetooth by default on start up

You can disable the Bluetooth service. sudo systemctl stop bluetooth sudo systemctl disable bluetooth
zakrywilson's user avatar
3 votes

How to disable Bluetooth by default?

You can disable it by adding next line to /etc/rc.local file with following system restart: rfkill block bluetooth
Matthew Jónsson's user avatar
3 votes

Bluetooth not work on elementary os 0.4 Loki

maybe your bluetooth is soft blocked? try : sudo rfkill list if it is blocked, try this command sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth hope it helps!
matakudua's user avatar
3 votes

Missing "Bluetooth settings"

It's a known bug. You can try installing 'sudo apt install switchboard-plug-bluetooth' It should add bluetooth setting to your system settings menu up to next system update. Moreover, I turn on ...
Dysproz's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I change the names of paired/connected remote bluetooth devices?

I had the same problem as Xristos. I fixed creating a new line: Alias=My_Device When the device connects, the Name variable is reset but not the Alias variable. I hope this helps, I can't reply ...
Toto Torres's user avatar
3 votes

Bluetoooth Tether

From what I understand you are looking to set up a PAN. Ubuntu is preloaded with features while eOS is minimalist. I believe what you are looking for is discussed here on superuser. . UPDATE: As you ...
Kreston Lee's user avatar
3 votes

Compatibility chart

There is an Ubuntu hardware compatibility list ( though no Asus machines are in the list. That doesn't mean they aren't compatible by any means. It just means ...
pretz's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I accept a file via Bluetooth?

In addition to what Pieter shared in his answer, I had to take the following additional steps before I could receive files from a Windows 10 laptop: After installing blueman, restart the computer and ...
weelillad's user avatar
2 votes

Can I get bluetooth devices to remain after suspend/resume and/or reboot

To enable bluetooth on every startup you need to add your custom command in etc/rc.local Open terminal and type sudo nano /etc/rc.local Now add the following line before exit 0 rfkill unblock ...
codecowboy's user avatar
2 votes

Bluetooth turns off after reboot

In terminal: Enter the /etc/bluetooth/main.conf file. There you'll find settings for bluetooth. I see that the last line is about AutoEnable, change it to true. :)
Dysproz's user avatar
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2 votes

I couldn't find the Bluetooth settings in loki

I remember seeing it in the system settings applet, but not anymore. Try installing this application sudo apt install bluman This is the standard ubuntu application Best of luck!
Bhikkhu Subhuti's user avatar
2 votes

Bluetooth cannot search detect any device

I have to resize my Bluetooth window (Device search) for it to show an actual list of devices it sees. Heres to hoping the answer is just that simple.
Kreston Lee's user avatar
2 votes

Q: Bluetooth automatically turns on

You can disable bluetooth using the following command in terminal sudo rfkill block bluetooth To disable it completely, run the following command in terminal sudo scratch-text-editor /etc/rc....
Vinoth's user avatar
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2 votes

Turn off bluetooth on startup

Because of where I use my laptop at times, I also needed to have the machine boot with Bluetooth off. Here is how I did it: I installed dconf-editor. This can be done via the AppCenter or at a ...
linux_tim's user avatar
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2 votes

Reinstall Bluetooth elementary OS

So, I tried a lot of different ways of doing this. First, make sure your user is in the bluetooth group. $ sudo usermod -G bluetooth -a <your_username> Restarting your bluetooth service (and ...
Phil H's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Trouble connecting wireless keyboard (connection loop)

In my situation the initial keyboard recognition [it did "see" the KB] was stuck in my Elementary OS bluetooth panel and it would neither connect nor could I delete it. (I thought that deleting it ...
PeabodysTech's user avatar
2 votes

Bluetooth start automatically on wake up

You can disable the Bluetooth service. sudo systemctl stop bluetooth sudo systemctl disable bluetooth
Sysadmin's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I set my bluetooth headphones to use A2DP?

I had the same problem. My solution was to install pavucontrol with sudo apt install pavucontrol. With this program, you can change the audio configuration of your headset to A2DP easily.
pglez82's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I configure my Logitech Keyboard / Mouse?

I found a solution using Solaar. It is a Linux manager for many Logitech devices The installation documentation can be found here. I personnally chose to use pip to install the latest release of ...
Alexandre ELIOT's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot update any app

It seems like two questions. For the first one, try (according to this post) removing the locking file with the command in terminal: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock and then running updates manually ...
Evgenii Frolov's user avatar
1 vote

Bluetooth - poor sound quality for regular user (JBL Speaker)

I might be a bit late, but today I had the same issue. The solution was to click on sound settings, pick JBL and switch the mode to High Fidelity Playback.
Róbert Pollák's user avatar
1 vote

How to remap Wii U Pro controller buttons?

It depends how the game uses the configurations: if the game uses SDL (FEZ, for example), you can try to modify the gamecontrollerdb.txt, or you can create an environment variable with a new mapping. ...
rbramos's user avatar
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1 vote

Bluetooth manager requests use of pin to pair headphones - elementaryOS

I would just use terminal to pair with the headset if the bluetooth manager is causing problems bluetoothctl scan on If the headset is in pairing mode it should show as a [NEW] Device followed by the ...
Jeremy31's user avatar
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