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10 votes

Is elementary-tweaks still working on Hera?

Yes elementary-tweak work very well with Hera's release. I have it and I have no problem with. Like say @Bo_rislav : Of course if you set a broken theme or something the layout will be broken ...
LinkPhoenix's user avatar
7 votes

How can I get AppImages to show up in the Applications Menu?

AppImages are not automatically integrated in elementary. I faced the same problem for an application I needed. (I second the suggestion from @cassidy-james-blaede, use Flatpak if possible, in my case ...
endorama's user avatar
  • 174
7 votes

AppCenter can't update Flatpak packages

I have the same situation since yesterday morning. So far I haven't any solution but I found this: According to Hector R on this issue on GitLab Step1 flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform/...
swnw's user avatar
  • 96
5 votes

Something wrong with my panel and dock popover

There seems to be a problem with the last update of xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04 or xserver-xorg-legacy-hwe-18.04 with Radeon graphics cards, which break the rendering of boxes and tooltips. They just ...
ubgus's user avatar
  • 111
5 votes

Unable to update

It looks like you have enable your CD-rom as part of your sourcelist. You need to disable it. Open the terminal and type (or copy/paste): sudo nano '/etc/apt/sources.list' It should look like this: ...
Storm's user avatar
  • 431
4 votes

Kernel version is still 4.15, after upgrading to 5.1 Hera

According to the announcement blog post: …if you’re on an existing Juno install and would like or need the improved hardware support, you can install it from Terminal with the following command: sudo ...
Kirt Henrie's user avatar
4 votes

How can I get AppImages to show up in the Applications Menu?

AppImages don't automatically add .desktop files to the appropriate FreeDesktop standard place needed to show up in the Applications Menu. There is a daemon you can install to automatically manage ...
Cassidy James Blaede's user avatar
4 votes

Terminal does not auto fill anymore with tab key

Can you tell if the problem is specific to io.elementary.terminal (the default elementaryOS terminal GUI), or is it the Bash shell in general? Try keyboard combo Ctrl-Alt-F2 to switch to another ...
curiouser's user avatar
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4 votes

installing Docker community edition fails with missing docker-ce package

The instructions point to adding their repository: $ sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" In elementary OS, ...
Vlad's user avatar
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4 votes

How to open a new Terminal Window instead of a new Tab

The solution I found for the same problem is to make a new Custom shortcut - System settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Custom shortcut , click on the little + on the bottom left side of the right ...
Bo rislav's user avatar
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4 votes

Keyboard not working in login screen

After a day of suffering, I finally managed to find a solution. These are the steps that you want to do if you have a similar problem: Boot into Elementary OS live USB. Mount root partition and proc, ...
Godfryd's user avatar
  • 171
3 votes

Is elementary-tweaks still working on Hera?

Yes it is usable, personally I would install then remove the ppa: # Make sure you have software-properties-common sudo apt install software-properties-common # Install elementary-tweaks sudo add-apt-...
duality's user avatar
  • 73
3 votes

How do I make a script run at startup (not from settings)?

You can manually add a .desktop file to ~/.config/autostart/ and this would be executed by elementary on login. This would be effectively identical to using the GUI though.
Thalexander's user avatar
3 votes

Elementary OS Hera updates create problems

There is a new update in order to make not only fullscreen but also maximized applications to go to a new space automatically and there is a call for testing on another website. Probably because of ...
Bo rislav's user avatar
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3 votes

AppCenter shows notifications for update, but none are available

flatpak update fixed it for me as well
internetman's user avatar
3 votes

How To Select Dvorak Layout

Under System-Settings -> Language & Region -> Keyboard Settings -> Input Method -> (Plus Sign) Then you can use whichever shortcut you prefer to switch between layouts/engines. Default ...
trevor's user avatar
  • 46
3 votes

How to prevent sleep/suspend while streaming music and videos

This issue is more on lightdm, I've already explained this before so I won't explain further and rather I'll just put steps here, This problem is because the power settings are used from the gconf ...
Raj's user avatar
  • 440
3 votes

How do I install themes and icon packs in elementary OS 5.1?

To change theme, icons and fonts in elementary OS you need a third party app called elementary tweaks. Open the terminal and copy/paste these commands; sudo apt install software-properties-common ...
Storm's user avatar
  • 431
3 votes

How to replace wingpanel's “Applications” text with a icon in Elementary OS 5.1 Hera

Solution which removes Applications name from the panel If you do not have vim, then install it with below command in terminal: sudo apt install vim Then type in terminal for example like below: (...
Sysadmin's user avatar
  • 822
3 votes

Need help to delete icons from Applications Menu

These are stored under ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs. Go and delete 'em.
Ganesh's user avatar
  • 341
3 votes

Missing Firmware

Resolve Missing Firmware Warnings If everything is working fine, then those warnings are of no importance so technically you can ignore them. Anyway, to have a peace of mind you can get rid of those ...
Al.ien's user avatar
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2 votes

Will elementary OS 5 Juno upgrade to 5.1 Hera automatically?

If you want to update elementary OS 5.0 to 5.1 you can use the classic manual method $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade $ sudo apt dist-upgrade $ sudo reboot check if you are in elementary OS 5.1 ...
LinkPhoenix's user avatar
2 votes

Touchpad issues after upgrading to new version 5.1

Olá, Apparently he would have to update the kernel, I answered someone a few minutes ago on another post. Launch the terminal whithout mouse and ...
LinkPhoenix's user avatar
2 votes

The word "normal" has started appearing on the upper right corner of my apps

You must be having an nVidia graphics card. If so, open nVidia X Server Settings from the Applications menu, go to OpenGL Settings and uncheck "Enable Graphics API Visual Indicator".
Vlad's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I remove the keyboard layout icon from the wingpanel?

You can remove the keyboard indicator via the command line sudo apt remove --purge wingpanel-indicator-keyboard Or via any package manager remove the wingpanel-indicator-keyboard package.
lemonslice's user avatar
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2 votes

Latest poppler update broke my file manager

Welcome in elementary OS community I don't know what is libpoppler85 but I think is dependencies package from specific apps but I don't know but which one. For repair broken package you can do that ...
LinkPhoenix's user avatar
2 votes

Does anyone know how to downgrade elementary Hera back to Juno?

The problem with rolling back to Juno (considering you take LinkPhoenix advice to reinstall Juno from scratch) is that Hera comes as an automatic update, so you wouldn't EVER be able to update ...
Joy's user avatar
  • 85
2 votes

Wireless driver installation

Found a bunch of issues related to your wifi adapter and Ubuntu 18.04, but these two seem promising: Ubuntu not recognizing wifi device describes how to install the latest intel wifi drivers: sudo ...
Vlad's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I get AppImages to show up in the Applications Menu?

Great answers. Another way to create desktop entries is by using the AppEditor ( ). It works for appimages and any other type of ...
Thiago Jedi's user avatar

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