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7 votes

elementary OS application development databases?

Check out the developer section of elementary's website. They offer advice on many components you can use to build elementary-style applications. Specifically, they recommend GDA for managing ...
David Berg's user avatar
7 votes

How can I get AppImages to show up in the Applications Menu?

AppImages are not automatically integrated in elementary. I faced the same problem for an application I needed. (I second the suggestion from @cassidy-james-blaede, use Flatpak if possible, in my case ...
endorama's user avatar
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5 votes

How to solve equations in Calculator?

You can use NaSC, an application made by Peter A for elementary OS. More info at NaSC webpage
bitseater's user avatar
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5 votes

Run AppImage on Startup

Got it working by copying the relevant .desktop file from ~/.local/share/applications/ to ~/.config/autostart. The AppImage I downloaded, when run the first time, gave an option to add shortcut file,...
thegreyd's user avatar
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5 votes

AppCenter Payments after reinstall

There is a Github issue concerning this that's marked as resolved, but their use case doesn't cover reinstalls, which is a little curious given that ElementaryOS hasn't actually supported upgrades at ...
Ken Kinder's user avatar
4 votes

What is the best torrent client on elementary OS?

I'm going to preface this with a nod to the fact that I work on, and thanks to that have access to lots of lovely metrics mere mortals are not normally privy to. Transmission (38%) ...
Lewis Goddard's user avatar
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4 votes

Calendar-App shows events incorrectly (with googlecalendar)

I have the same issue. I have reported it as bug in Launchpad: Calendar bugs page You can mark that it affect to you, to bring devs attention to it.
bitseater's user avatar
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4 votes

Installing/configuring telegram

If you downloaded Telegram from Telegram's website, it should be safe to run from anywhere on your system, including the home folder. When you open Telegram, an icon should appear in the dock. You ...
John Doe's user avatar
4 votes

How do I get back that app that I bought after reinstall?

Click on the price and enter 0.
user11960's user avatar
4 votes

Screen mess up - VMware Workstation on Elementary OS

vmware-workstation works without problems with the root user, however, it is very annoying to open the terminal to open the program and believe that the icon is useless. I found a way to bypass the ...
Carlos's user avatar
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4 votes

Very strange double titlebar

This is a known issue. It only occurs with applications that request legacy window decorations (titlebars, borders, etc...). I'm part of the elementary team and I'm looking into a fix, but it's not a ...
David Hewitt's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I get AppImages to show up in the Applications Menu?

AppImages don't automatically add .desktop files to the appropriate FreeDesktop standard place needed to show up in the Applications Menu. There is a daemon you can install to automatically manage ...
Cassidy James Blaede's user avatar
3 votes

Does Franz (multi messenger) work on elementary freya?

Franz works perfect in Loki, should't be a Problem in Freya. Do the following in terminal: sudo mkdir -p /opt/franz wget -qO-
GDog's user avatar
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3 votes

Using Granite with a different language besides Vala

Granite is written in Vala, so it provides a C API which you can use from C++. Using it should be fairly straightforward; just #include <granite.h> in your code, and build with something like ...
nemequ's user avatar
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3 votes

Certain application icons does not show up in dock when opened

Same issue. Currently I go to dock preference (ctrl + Right Click), comportment, and I disable/enable Show unpinned. But it's not a solution of course. It's boring but it's work (or Alt+Tab)
Shining's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there an epub reader that integrates well with elementary OS?

I'm working in my free time to build a eBook reader for elementary OS - Bookworm. Currently it's in a very early stage and very much work in progress. However, currently it can open eBooks and ...
Siddhartha Das's user avatar
3 votes

Screensaver installation

I'm not aware of a screensaver package that works well with elementary OS. Other popular screensaver options include XScreensaver and GNOME Screensaver, but I wasn't able to find much information ...
Ryan DeBeasi's user avatar
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3 votes

App Center stuck on 'waiting'

I had the same issue yesterday. I tried the update and upgrade as you said, rebooting and nothing happened. Then I followed these steps to remove and install again the AppCenter and now it's fixed. I ...
geo1230's user avatar
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3 votes

My laptop screen has gone red even after I installed redshift and it's not going away

Even though you've removed Redshift, it seems it has "permanently" altered your display settings. Try running: xrandr --output eDP-1 --gamma 0.9:0.9:0.9 eDP-1 is the name of my monitor, yours may ...
pretz's user avatar
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3 votes

how to fix bug in the windows of elementary os

This is a known issue in Elementary OS due to their somewhat non-standard way of applying window decorations. Fortunately, there is a fix, but it must be applied on a per-application basis. In fact on ...
Ken Kinder's user avatar
3 votes

pycharm is not showing in app launcher and anywhere in elementary juno

There is a menu option in Pycharm to create a shortcut in the App Launcher. 1) Start PyCharm... sudo ./ you mentioned above. 2) Once PyCharm is up and running, go to the Tools ...
Paul's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I manage iPhone on elementary os

If you don't find a solution on the Linux side, consider an IOS app called Phone Drive. The app will start web and FTP servers on the phone providing direct upload/download access to your Camera ...
fcont's user avatar
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3 votes

Need help to delete icons from Applications Menu

These are stored under ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs. Go and delete 'em.
Ganesh's user avatar
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3 votes

(Solved) How to uninstall default apps in Hera?

Go to the Appcenter, open the Installed tab, and scroll down to the app you want to uninstall, click on it, then hit uninstall.
Sabrina Lisa's user avatar
2 votes

Chrome apps as default applications

You can, as in the example below (I used Google Docs as I do not have the other app but it should work exactly in the same way). Install the chrome app in question in the application menu (right-...
lemonslice's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any Photo Editing Software for elementary?

I recommend Darktable. It is available in AppCenter, or a newer version is available on Flathub.
Ric's user avatar
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2 votes

Have applications dock close with Windows key

Please, use my updated answer: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key "'Super_L'" gsettings set org.pantheon.desktop.gala.behavior overlay-action "'wingpanel --toggle-indicator=app-launcher'" ...
png2378's user avatar
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2 votes

Master PDF Editor installs correctly, but won't start

There is a bug in the dependencies so there is a library missing (you can see this in the system log): gnome-session[1630]: /opt/master-pdf-editor-3/masterpdfeditor3: error while loading shared ...
lemonslice's user avatar
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2 votes

Software in AppCenter aren't up to date

Approach 1) You could add some "custom" Repositories which contain the latest versions of you desired programs. The Ubuntu/ElementaryOS repos sometimes are out of date Approach 2) You could Download ...
felix's user avatar
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2 votes

Installing elementary (replacing ubuntu) without having to reinstall applications

You should reinstall elementary to ensure that you get a fully functional system. However, you can keep a list of the packages installed with dpkg --get-selections > package-list-file and backup ...
lemonslice's user avatar
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