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7 votes

Double Wi-Fi icon after installing wingpanel-indicator-ayatana

Found This on reddit Delete nm-applet from here: /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop I didn't delete it, just append .old at the end of the filename
Rafael's user avatar
  • 101
5 votes

WiFi is not working on Loki

Try nmcli radio wifi on through terminal
5 votes

Power Setting doesnt work

Got exactly the same issue on Juno stable, and found the solution here: The problem basically comes down to the fact that the power settings are not propagated to the '...
biemster's user avatar
4 votes

Intel 8265 doesn't work in Loki

See if sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge gets the 4.8 kernel installed and then do wget sudo ...
Jeremy31's user avatar
  • 208
4 votes

How to enable Wifi in elementary OS Loki?

It is likely you need to use the wapf parameter in asus-nb-wmi. The kernel source code tells us this about wapf /* * WAPF defines the behavior of the Fn+Fx wlan key * The significance of values is ...
Jeremy31's user avatar
  • 208
4 votes

WiFi on MacBook Pro (12,1 - Early 2015)

This came up on ask Ubuntu and I see one of the comments says the answer worked on Loki. Check Here for full details Here's what it says to do. Download this firmware In the terminal: cd /lib/...
Michael Roberts's user avatar
4 votes

Xiomi Mi Book: Wifi not working

Solution by Demelza: Open a terminal and type the command: rfkill list It will list all your network hardware available, and you should notice one that's called "acer-wireless". Looks like Linux ...
David Hasselberg's user avatar
4 votes

Elementary OS on Macbook won't display wifi settings. How do i fix?

Following steps fixes the problem. Removing bcmwl-kernel-source package, then reboot: sudo apt-get remove --purge bcmwl-kernel-source sudo reboot Installing new broadcom firmware: sudo apt-get ...
Richard McGonagol's user avatar
4 votes

No wireless network after installation of elementary OS Juno

I had the same problem after I couldn't recover from a Window's 10 bad config issue and decided to go Linux for my desktops. I even installed it three times thinking I did something wrong. Here's the ...
cmillosh's user avatar
3 votes

I can't see any wireless setting in loki 0.4. Please help!

Now, it will be good to provide some troubleshooting info so we are able to help. To me it sounds that Loki is trying to load incorrect driver for your wifi hence the issue. You need to discover the ...
GZgidnick's user avatar
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3 votes

SOLVED Problem Broadcom 43142 wifi

SOLVED the problem was that secure boot was enabled, now wireless connection is shown in the option and works!
Andrea De Luca's user avatar
3 votes

Only on Elementary OS Loki 0.4, wifi and ethernet works for about 5 seconds, then nothing

Same problem for my Lenovo. It seems to be something related to the Ethernet hardware power management. You need to install a new driver. sudo apt install linux-headers-generic build-essential git ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

How to enable Wifi in elementary OS Loki?

Try "nmcli radio wifi on". It works for me.
Javier's user avatar
  • 63
3 votes

WiFi networks not showing in elementary OS loki

If you have an Ethernet cable you should connect it and update your machine before continuing: sudo apt update && sudo upgrade -y Run modprobe on the wireless adapter sudo modprobe -r ...
Rocco Augusto's user avatar
3 votes

Compatibility chart

There is an Ubuntu hardware compatibility list ( though no Asus machines are in the list. That doesn't mean they aren't compatible by any means. It just means ...
pretz's user avatar
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3 votes

BCM43142 and linux kernel 4.15.0-24-generic

I had to download the package for 18.04LTS ( and install it using: sudo apt-get remove --purge bcmwl-kernel-source sudo dpkg -i bcmwl-kernel-...
Javis's user avatar
  • 146
3 votes

No wireless network after installation of elementary OS Juno

This is your WiFi adapter Brand: Broadcom Limited Model: BCM43227 PCI.ID: 14e4:4358 First, run (to start fresh) $ sudo apt purge bcmwl-kernel-source $ sudo apt install linux-headers-generic dkms ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I reset my network adapter?

I use this command and it works just fine for me: sudo service network-manager restart I use it to restart wifi whenever it stops working (it was much more of an issue after new release of Ubuntu/...
jena's user avatar
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2 votes

How to enable Wifi in elementary OS Loki?

I have this problem too when I disable physically my WiFi connection (Hardware blockage) , or just simply by turning WiFi off by clicking on the toggle in the WiFi list connection ( Sfteware blockage) ...
Mohamad AlJasem's user avatar
2 votes

Wireless Using Intel Wireless 7260 Won't Activate (eOS Loki)

Are you using a laptop? Brand? With my HP Omen and Intel 7260 (no dual-band) I had to blacklist acer_wmi to connect with Wifi. Create a .conf file in /etc/modprobe.d/ with blacklist acer_wmi ...
Gorgo's user avatar
  • 293
2 votes

SOLVED Problem Broadcom 43142 wifi

You're missing the Broadcom drivers, open terminal and paste sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source Reboot your machine and try to connect to the wifi.
Giovanni Caligaris's user avatar
2 votes

Wi-Fi doesnt work after update

Please go to AppCenter(appcenter) over an Ethernet connection and click on the installed tab. If you see bcmwl-kernel-source, install it by clicking on free. Your WiFi(wifi) should be working again.
Hasan's user avatar
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2 votes

Empty window popping up after resume from suspend

This is not a bug. It just checks if there is internet connection. After a while it should print a text 'You are now connected to the internet blah blah blah...'. :) It's just an information for you....
Dysproz's user avatar
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2 votes

XORG issue from frozen trackpad - crumb!

It appears that the answer to my problem had to do with .xAuthority being given to root as opposed to my username. This AskUbuntu post solved it:
Zach's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes

No wifi access points with rtl8723be

This is an issue with HP using one antenna wire on a wireless chip with 2 antenna connections. Since you see no wireless AP's we can just do the following in terminal. First we will unload the ...
Jeremy31's user avatar
  • 208
2 votes

Network not working after i close lid of Dell XPS 9550

With Ubuntu 16.10 on the XPS 9550 I have the same trouble. Running the following command after opening the lid fixes the problem for me. There should be no need to log out and log back in after ...
jason's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

No WiFi with Loki and Intel Dual Band AC 3168 card

At the time I am writing, the most current stable kernel is 4.10.8. MSI laptops with Killer Networking are reportedly working on recent Linux kernels. Their support page says so. Try updating your ...
Bhaskara Ida Bagus's user avatar
2 votes

Can't activate wireless from WingPanel

That's a known bug . There's even a possible solution in there, but sadly nobody from the elementary team decided to fix it...
Maccer's user avatar
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2 votes

My elementary OS can't detect my wifi at all, just connect about ethernet. What to do?

If you have a working Internet connection via Ethernet, run this: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source Reboot. If the problem persists, research this page
Orif Khodjaev's user avatar
2 votes

How to remove Hotspot profile from ElementaryOS network settings

Click on the network icon in the top bar and select Network Settings (at the bottom of the menu). Click on the Edit Connections button at the bottom of the Network window. In the new dialog, scroll ...
rdanter's user avatar
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