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Elementary OS 7 (Horus) compatibility with Ubuntu / Unity indicators on Pantheon's Wingpanel (top right menubar)?

This can be restored by using the still functional Lafydev/wingpanel-indicator-ayatana with the following steps: (Also note that active forks can be found with this Active GitHub Forks project such as ...
ylluminate's user avatar
2 votes

How can I remove a repositry in Elementary OS 7?

The Software and Updates app does not (to the best of my knowledge) allow a person to work with the sources list directly in Horus. That said, you can take care of this via the Terminal. Here's how: ...
matigo's user avatar
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Elementary OS 7 (Horus) compatibility with Ubuntu / Unity indicators on Pantheon's Wingpanel (top right menubar)?

You could also use my fork of Lafydevs project: This is also up to date for elementary os 7. The difference is, that there is a ... Indicator ...
M v Bonin's user avatar
2 votes

Elementary Os 7 Horus Disable Animations

There are several Gala options regarding animation, but mind you I haven't tested any of them. I prefer to use dconf-editor. You can install it with sudo apt install dconf-editor and navigate to org -&...
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1 vote

Tasks app keeps starting on login

You can also check these two folders as they contain autostart items: ~/.config/autostart /etc/xdg/autostart If you find io.elementary.tasks.desktop file there either rename it or delete it.
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'Star in Purple box' icon for downloaded apps while switching tabs using Alt + Tab

I'm using AppEditor for years, you can find it in AppCenter, and never had an issue with it. I believe it has been originally developed for elementaryOS, so maybe try it.
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