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Support for Ultra Wide Displays in 7 and 8

Long-time elementary OS user, my workstation has 3x 1440p via NVIDIA 1080Ti and everything works great with window management. I can split windows on each monitor so I can have 6 split windows across ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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Low disc space on /boot (Horus 7.1)

I'm a tech newbie user who's just started using Horus and I'm loving it so far, but I had a warning pop up saying that I'm running out of disc space on /boot. Since I know enough to enter commands in ...
Peanut Butter's user avatar
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system updates not installing upon reboot

Running Horus 7.1, I just download the lastest system updates in AppCenter and then restarted when asked, but that just brought me back to my login screen without installing them. After a few minutes ...
Tim02130's user avatar
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Can't wake up from sleep

As i said in the title, i can't wake my laptop from sleep. All i after waking up the pc is a black screen with "_" not even blinking, but just static. When i try to press "CTRL + ALT + ...
Emanuele Losito's user avatar
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Can't remove a calendar account

I've been trying to remove a calendar account but with no luck, the action itself seems to work but every time that I restart the computer, the calendar gets back again It's a Google Calendar My ...
Guilherme Bragamonte's user avatar
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Tasks app keeps starting on login

I'm on Elementary OS 7 (Horus). The last few days the default Task app (io.elementary.tasks) keeps opening/starting on startup. If I remove is from the startup applications (in settings -> ...
dib0's user avatar
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Elementary OS 7 Horus - LUKS Volumes support (disk encryption)

I am struggling with setting up LUKS Volumes with encryption for Elementary OS 7 Horus. I am using this tutorial:
dzierzak's user avatar
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How I make my laptop running elementary OS display normally, rather than only a few shades of colours?

When booting into elementary OS 7 Horus (with disk encryption) on my laptop normally, the disk unlock screen is displayed. After entering my decryption key, it loads into tty7, where it briefly ...
OskarZyg's user avatar
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How can I remove a repositry in Elementary OS 7?

I am experiencing a problem with one repository not having a release file. For that reason, I would like to remove it, but I can't find the Software and Updates app in the OS to select and remove the ...
Bob Reed's user avatar
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Media keys stopped working after 7x upgrade

I'll have to test by booting an older live CD to confirm, but I'm pretty sure my media keys stopped working after the 7x Horus upgrade. They are actived via Fn-key combination strokes such as Fn-F10 ...
Sysfu's user avatar
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Connection to certain wifi keeps dropping (deauthenticating from xxx by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING))

I upgraded to EOS 7 Horus yesterday (I did a fresh install, before I used 5.1 Hera, I think). My wifi connection worked out of the box, only to a certain wifi access point it will not connect. I ...
anjuta's user avatar
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caps lock remapping not working in system settings after latest os update

I just installed the latest two Horus updates using the AppCenter, and on rebooting found the System Settings / Keyboard option fo Caps Lock Behavior is not working (nothing happens no matter what it'...
Tim02130's user avatar
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HDMI sound output option not shown in Horus

I've looked at (and tried) several solutions in order to fix this problem, but unsuccessfully. Most of the issues I've read about have to do with older releases of eOS, so that some of the known [as ...
Xavier Yates's user avatar
2 votes
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Elementary OS 7 (Horus) compatibility with Ubuntu / Unity indicators on Pantheon's Wingpanel (top right menubar)?

How can we display the "old" (and frequently still needed / required) system tray / indicator icons for apps like TeamViewer and so forth? Without this, TeamViewer complains about it not ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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Elementary Os 7 Horus Disable Animations

How i can Disable Animations in Elementary Os Pantheon
Emiliano Cervantes's user avatar
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'Star in Purple box' icon for downloaded apps while switching tabs using Alt + Tab

I installed Elementary OS 7.0 Horus and downloaded Chrome and Firefox browsers. Chrome - via dpkg after downloading the .deb file Firefox - via apt - snap downloaded and installed Using Alacarte ...
praseo's user avatar
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Elementary OS7 Horus, horrible colour cast

Just upgraded my miniPC from Elementary OS6 to OS7 and my screen (iiyama 27") has an awful blue/green colour cast. eos5 and eos6 ran perfectly, no problems with colour balance but eos7 is ...
NeilJay's user avatar
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