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Questions tagged [files]

Questions about the files on elementary. Consider using pantheon-files for the file manager application.

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32 votes
4 answers

Graphical interfaces to search for files?

What graphical interfaces exist to assist the user in searching for files?
orschiro's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

Why can't I place files on the desktop by default, and how can I get this feature?

By default, elementary OS doesn't have a desktop folder - and no files can be placed onto the wallpaper. Note that this isn't just that icons don't show, there really is no desktop folder: Where ...
Christian's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Pantheon Integration of Google Drive

Are there any plans to integrate an optional connection to Google Drive in the Pantheon file manager? I remember that when I was with Gnome 3 it was as if Google Drive was yet another hard drive or ...
Jattel's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Loki and Dropbox [duplicate]

It seems Dropbox is not really compatible with Loki. Dropbox runs but the icon does not show in slingshot even when using the trick we used in Freya: env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity dropbox start Also ...
ComputingFroggy's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to deactivate pdf preview in files

I have a large folder of pdfs. Every time I open it with files it has to load these little preview icons which takes pretty much time. How can I disable this?
spartakuskus's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to disable recent files in pantheon files?

I have changed the settings at security & privacy but elementary OS still collects recent files and shows them in recent folder, so how would i turn off recent files? Thanks.
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can I add a "Create New Folder" button in Files?

When in Files, you can create a new folder by right-clicking on an empty space in the files window, then selecting New > Folder. That is, except when there is no "empty space" in your window. If ...
Jorge's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do I restore locked files from Trash?

I was cleaning up some unneeded files in my Rails project when I accidentally deleted files that are VERY important to my project. I realized my mistake and went to the Trash and found what I needed ...
Lenocam's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do you open files from the command line without knowing the specific program name for the file?

I've had success opening files from the command line if I know the program used to view the file. If I need to open a .pdf I can call evince filename. What do you do if you don't know which program ...
vim_usr's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I change the icon for a specific file type?

I have Guitar Pro installed on my system (no easy task, but that's another matter for another time), and have a ton of .gpx, .gp5, and .gp4 files that I use with the application. The file icons ...
0d_billie's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I manage iPhone on elementary os

I have an iPhone 6s and would like it to work like how it does when I plug it into windows (file manager detects it and I can see photos) is there a way of doing this or a program like iTunes?
Rainbow Ram's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

cant drag files or folders anywhere in freya

I may be missing something or just inexperienced but I cant find a way to drag files or folders in elementary. im used to windows and ubuntu 14.04 (both of which make this easy) I like the clean ...
Terry's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Where does Vocal 2.0 save downloaded podcasts?

I really have no idea, I can't find the source files anywhere on and Vocal says that it has downloaded them.
user3186's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cannot configure double-click (to open a folder) in files

Running the Odin beta 2 release. I referred to some past answers but could not find the right setting to configure double-click to open a folder in Files.  gsettings set io.elementary.files....
Saurabh Lambe's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can I use URLs in the Open File dialog?

When using the file dialog in Windows it's possible to specify a URL instead of a local file. Is it at all possible to do this in elementary OS? When trying what's in the image below, it simply does ...
ajwilson's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Sending files from phone to notebook via Bluetooth

I've installed elementary OS Loki on my Lenovo G580 laptop and I'm very happy with it, but there's a one problem. In elementary OS Freya (and any other Linux distros I've ever used) I used to send ...
Pavel Vybíral's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Change language of home folders

I installed elementary OS Freya (in Polish), fully updated it and then used the language plug to fully install Polish language. I might've accidentaly changed language to English. Then I log out, ...
user134865's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot change ownership of a network folder shared from Windows

I have problem to change the permissions on a shared folder from Windows in elementary OS. I am using the chown command and it throws me the following error: pablo@pablo:/home$ LANGUAGE=en sudo chown ...
Pablo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Compress and Extract options missing from Files with latest update

Just switched back to eOS to try eOS6, I've done two installs, and both times upon upgrading to the latest update, the Compress and Extract options are missing from right-click. Even double clicking ...
glitches's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Color tags of Files

The elementary OS file browser (Pantheon Files) allows us to tag the folders name with colors. I would like to change those colors and/or rearrange them. Does anyone have any idea how? Which file to ...
Rub's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to remove notepad from Files/open-with context menu?

Installing Wine brings notepad in the Open with - context menu of the file manager. How to remove Notepad option from the context menu of the File manager?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to execute .desktop in Files

In the latest update of Files, all .desktop files aren't executed by left-click by default (eg. all files in ~/.local/share/applications directory). They are opened in Scratch instead. I understand ...
Pavel Vybíral's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to make file executable from context menu?

I know this can be done under the file's Properties or with the command sudo chmod a+x. But how to add it to context menu?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Where does Scratch saves temporary files?

I've set Scratch to show a welcome screen every time I open it so it doesn't show what I was doing previously. However, I just accidentally closed it and lost something I didn't save that I want to ...
Maccer's user avatar
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1 answer

Why on a single partition drag & drop is 'copy' instead of 'move' in Pantheon-Files?

I have multiple partitions; three of them are EXT4 and have a Linux system installed on them; two of them are NTFS and one of them has Windows 7 installed. The second NTFS partition is almost half ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to see the mime type of a file?

Nautilus has the option to see the mime-type of a file. Can I see that in elementary OS without Nautilus?
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Deleted downloads folder

Hello I accidentally "deleted" my downloads folder, I made a replacement folder and pinned it in files on the left pane so it is as it should be asshown in this screenshot: However the folder is not ...
Samuel Barnes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Desktop showing as a window above original

I'm running Elementary OS Loki, and recently I've decided to change default file manager to Nemo. After installing and setting it as default in System settings > Applications > Default applications, ...
Oleksii Filonenko's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

The use of a custom icon

As it is for now there's no easy way to change a folder's icon with a custom one. Exampel I want to change my Steam folder which indicate it's Steam in that directory. I have tried with gio command ...
Storm's user avatar
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0 answers

Will the JPG "successor" HEIF/HEIC be supported from "photos" or "files"?

New iOS devices are using HEIF (HEIC) by default. Compared to JPG, HEIF is awesome (half the size and better quality). PS: A preview from "files" would be perfect.
Aki's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Home partition not showing in Files sidebar

In Files on the sidebar, my Home partition is not showing. I see "File System" which is on its own partition, under the "Devices" header but no Home partition represented. I also have an NAS hard ...
Patrick Blair's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to make apps remember window position? [closed]

Most importantly Files. On empty desktop it launches in the middle, which is ok. But if I have for example chromium open, and I open files, it opens in top left corner which is very annoying. And ...
stmas's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

More than ten search-results in Pantheon Files?

I have answered myself a few times here on how to search files with Pantheon Files (here and here) but I now realize that the drop-down list of search results has no more than ten items. At the end ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Shortcut to Open Home Folder now opens tab instead

I had set up Win+E to open Home folder long ago (Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Applications -> Home Folder). A rather recent update has changed the behavior from opening a new window to opening a tab in ...
schmoopy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I use exfat drives?

How do I use an exfat-formatted drive, i.e. a flash drive or SD card, with elementary OS? When I try to view it in Files I get an error.
Cassidy James Blaede's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why can’t I copy “large” files to USB?

I’m on Elementary 5.1. Unable to copy .mpg files back to my USB. The file is around 5.5GB. My USB drive has more than 15GB of space free. I’m new to Linux, so I use the GUI default copy + paste for my ...
Nate Avi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I access the photos on my SD card on elementary OS?

I am new to Linux and StackExchange, and I'm having trouble finding my SD card so I can import my photos into GIMP for editing. I have tried various commands using the terminal and I've looked in the ...
seditious_sphynx's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pantheon File Manager Fork?

I believe the Pantheon file manager found in elementary OS is simply called Pantheon Files, right? But I'm curious, is this file manager based on another file manager? Based on the GNOME file manager,...
user17868's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why does the trash can in Plank open Code instead of Files?

(Left) Clicking on the trash can in Plank, or right clicking on it and selecting "Open Trash" opens Code--the text editor--instead of Files. My first thought was to check if any nonsense ...
Que Quotion's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

'Select as default' not working - Juno [closed]

I am unable to set default application for images and text. I have to open files using 'open with' every time. E.g. Sublime is set as default for text files in settings, yet it asks for default ...
Adil Iqbal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Panthon Files context menu entry to set image as wallpaper

I know how to edit a contract file, but what command should be used with that?
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mismatched file sort capability

Previously, using Windows, I developed a large file structure. Now that I've changed to Linux (Elementary OS), I'm experiencing a discrepancy in sorting capability. To wit: When I look at my file ...
dayrain's user avatar
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0 answers

Files' 'color tags' no longer persistent?

Color tags in elementary are consistently failing after reboot or restart 'Files' application. This behavior only recently started happening. I am running a 'vanilla' Juno release. I keep elementary ...
user19177's user avatar
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0 answers

Writing to NFS mounted directory gives 'Operation not permitted' - how to configure permissions?

I am running 5.0 Juno, and I have a NFS share mounted with settings such that the owner and group can read, write, and execute. On the client machine, the mount command shows the following ...
blooper98's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Contractor contract doesn't work in pantheon-files

I regularly need to extract ZIP archives that contain characters that are encoded in Chinese (GB18030). The slow way of doing this is to open the folder in a terminal and entering the following ...
jonolumb's user avatar
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0 answers

What's wrong with my manager disk size accuracy? [closed]

I'm new to Elementary OS and after a week of using it I decided to check how much disk space I had used so far. I went to my SSD (Which used to be C:), right-clicked and looked at properties. I found ...
Berry M.'s user avatar
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0 answers

How to use Pantheon File Manager to connect to Apple Time Capsule drive

I've setup my drive on time capsule and can successfully mount it manually with the following: mkdir ~/tcdrive sudo mount.cifs //MyTimeCapsule.local/Data ~/tcdrive/ -o username=myusername,sec=...
Ray's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Alternative to desktop for file storage or how can I enable storing files on the desktop? [duplicate]

While it makes a lot of sense to me that launcher icons are hidden from the desktop because of the easy app menu access, I think that I will greatly miss being able to store files on the desktop ...
RackAttack's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Install Eclipse [duplicate]

Hello I want to install eclipse in my elementary os, I downloaded eclipse but when I want to use it, it begins to freeze all my computer so I need to reboot from hardware
Alan's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Open elementary apps from the command-line

How can I open elementary apps from the command-line? Particularly Code and Files. I already found /usr/bin/io.elementary.files and /usr/bin/io.elementary.code, build they are not really convenient. ...
wout's user avatar
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