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2 votes

Is elementary OS performance suitable for Games and Steam?

Because this is a subjective question I’m sure you will get different opinions here (especially as it is an elementary OS User forum). Firstly elementary is stable (I have similar specifications to ...
stephenmyall's user avatar
2 votes

Switching apps/screens in Steam

I would try the workspace navigation shotcuts, like Super(Windows)+left. The following issue might be relevant:
Peter Uithoven's user avatar
1 vote

Steam installed but doesn't launch

Open that package again with gdebi and remove it. You have steam on the official repositories so just open Appcenter, search for Steam and install it. Another method is to use the command line: ...
Maccer's user avatar
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1 vote

Is elementary OS performance suitable for Games and Steam?

I suggest reading these two articles since I can't be any better in stating my point of view. (I will put a extract of them for those who want to decide if the articles are worth reading): "A ...
Jorge R. Marín's user avatar
1 vote

(SOLVED) apt-get is trying to uninstall everything I've ever installed!

I finally got it fixed. I had to remove the repository from the sources.list. Then I could use the Force Version command in Synaptic to switch over to using LLVM builds from the kisak ...
watson's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I go about improving my game performance on eOS?

The Intel graphics card (integrated in your CPU) is most likely enabled by default instead of the nvidia card. Even after installing the appropriate nvidia drivers, you'll have to tell the OS to ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Steam in Juno- how to install

Hey I had the same question! I installed STEAM instead of STEAM Installer. It worked just fine, logged in, installed games, selected steam play + proton and running games, really happy about it :) ...
Mauricio Paim's user avatar
1 vote

Steam Play and Nvidia drivers

You can grab the latest proprietary NVidia drivers from: To add the PPA you will need to install software-properties-common with: sudo apt ...
Steven Russell's user avatar
1 vote

Steam cannot be installed because of missing 32-bit libraries

I'm not sure if this is a fix, as I am a newb to linux, but I am also having issues installing steam. I got the same error, and I was able to resolve it by using the following command in terminal: ...
cowbell more's user avatar
1 vote

Steam cannot be installed because of missing 32-bit libraries

One of these should do the trick. Test if it opens after each one and report back? sudo apt install steam sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-utopic:i386 sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-...
wolf's user avatar
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1 vote

Steam Installing but not running

You could try installing steam from app center built into elementary! Just search steam and hit the free button.
nicholas johnson's user avatar
1 vote

Steam Installing but not running

It looks like you're missing xfonts required to launch steam. You can install them with sudo apt-get install xfonts-75dpi. Then log out, log back in, and launch steam again. If that fails try sudo ...
Jesse's user avatar
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