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7 votes

Time wrong since dual-boot installation

Windows sets the BIOS clock to the local time while Linuxes (so elementary OS as well) sets to UTC by default. You can set the hardware clock time standard through the command line. To change this ...
lemonslice's user avatar
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4 votes

Does elementary OS work inside Hyper-V?

Yes it can work with gen 2. Before starting VM go into settings -> security. Disable secure boot and save it. Start your VM and go install.
jrock2004's user avatar
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2 votes

Does elementary OS work inside Hyper-V?

When creating the VM you will be asked to pick the Generation. Generation 1 will work perfectly. Generation 2 will work IF after you have created the VM using the wizard, you go into the settings of ...
Frank Boucher's user avatar
2 votes

How to re-install windows without breaking my eOS

The Windows installation process generally does mess with Grub, the Linux bootloader. One way to prevent such issues is to install Windows in a virtual machine such as VirtualBox. This answer has ...
Ryan DeBeasi's user avatar
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2 votes

I'm thinking of completely uninstalling Windows 10 and using Elementary OS full time but I have a couple questions

I can't speak to your specific issues, but Windows driver issues made me switch to elementary OS. I went from several major, unresolvable issues to just a few minor annoyances without needing to do ...
landrykid's user avatar
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2 votes

Install Elementary's desktop on Bash for Windows

You should try to install the elementary-desktop package sudo apt-add-repository ppa:elementary-os/stable sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/os-patches sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-...
lemonslice's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I create a MacBook install image on a Windows 10 PC?

Yes. The elementary OS installation instructions are available here. I recommend using Balena Etcher to flash the ISO on to the USB. When you go to boot from the USB, you'll need to press and hold the ...
jwillikers's user avatar
1 vote

Can I swap the close bottons from left to right: Gnome

You can use: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "{'Gtk/DialogsUseHeader': <0>, 'Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu': <0>, 'Gtk/DecorationLayout': <':close,minimize,...
bitseater's user avatar
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Can I swap the close bottons from left to right: Gnome

Installing elementary tweaks would be an easy graphical solution of customizing your system. Here's a link to the git repo It is true that ...
notmyrealnamefalse's user avatar
1 vote

How to make disk Partition?

You can download and use gparted software visually and directly vis AppCenter on the Loki. After partitioning HDD as you want, you can install windows on the region of storage partiotioned for windows....
binfafa's user avatar
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"Installer crashed" during install process on a dual boot UEFI Windows 8.1 64-bit laptop

Fixed it. I found a bug reported on launchpad that described my problem, it is apparently due to the installer (ubiquity) trying to open a file that it needs super user permissions for. The work ...
Daniel Metcalfe's user avatar
1 vote

I maybe corrupted my BIOS

On the side of the laptop there is a button next to the power button called a "NOVO" button. When the laptop is completely shut down, you can press that button and go straight into BIOS or UEFI ...
Travis Dill's user avatar
1 vote

Time wrong since dual-boot installation

reg.exe add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation /v RealTimeIsUniversal /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f will teach windows how to use utc. source(ger):
noS's user avatar
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Installing elementary OS on XPS 15 9550 with Intel SSD in dual boot Windows 10

I looked up your laptop from the Dell website. The HDD is in fact a hybrid drive with a 32 gb ssd inside of the 500 gb mechanical drive. This is the reason that you need the Intel RST driver to work. ...
Travis Dill's user avatar
1 vote

Problems installing over Windows 10

I would suggest using a partition manager utility such a GParted Live (either the CD or USB version), delete all partitions on the hard drive, reboot, and then try installing it clean. If that fails, ...
Logan's user avatar
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1 vote

how do i open UEFI/BIOS through elementary OS?

There are many ways to get into the systems bios, the simplest way is to reboot the computer then keep pressing the Esc button If that does not work try this Click the Start button and navigate to ...
Darknet Matrix's user avatar
1 vote

I lost my windows grub after dist upgrade

I suppose that you are dual booting Windows and elementary. If that's the case, just install boot-repair with sudo apt install boot-repair -y and press Recommended Repair It will fix everything ...
Maccer's user avatar
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How do I access files in my Windows Documents folder?

For the OSes to share common folders, you have to edit the fstab file to mount the Windows partition on boot, then change your default documents folder location. Mount Windows partition on boot This ...
Daniel Pajaro's user avatar
1 vote

Can't mount Windows 10 Partition on Loki

From your post I'm not sure if you did this but give it a try anyway: Boot into windows, make sure you can access that drive from Windows. Then press restart on the windows menu. It's important that ...
Maccer's user avatar
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Windows as Second Dual Boot

There isn't a really "safe" way to create a dual boot without impact on you current OS setup. So please, make a backup copy. I recommend you to wipe your drivers and install Windows first, as ...
Thiago Jedi's user avatar
1 vote

Installing Windows alongside elementary OS

If you can do it, I would wipe the machine, install Windows first using the whole drive. Then install elementary, picking the option to "install alongside Windows," then adjust the size with the ...
kingogames's user avatar
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System time is not synced with windows

I had a similar issue - search gave me the following which fixed my issue. Basically your system bios clock setting is the reference point to work from before changing your OS settings. https://...
Touchwood's user avatar
1 vote

Hard drive not seen by elementary's installer

As often happens I found a solution myself: The problem seemed indeed in Intel Rapid Storage Technology. If you log into Windows and disable acceleration of the hard drive with SSD, then reboot into ...
Maxim's user avatar
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1 vote

Dual-booted with Windows and I don't want Windows anymore

I think it should not be a problem. here's one link how to live resize main partition I'm sure there are easier ways to do it with gparted or similar software (haven't done it myself in a while) ...
Mike Rodov's user avatar
1 vote

How to read commands from a text file

If your question deals with Microsoft Windows OS you are in the wrong place as this forum deals with elementary OS (a Gnu-Linux) distribution. In any case if you search "batch in windows 7" (...
Jorge R. Marín's user avatar
1 vote

How do you Partition On Elementary to Install Windows?

If you want to install windows 8 and remove elementary you do not need to create partitions from elementary. If you want to create partition without Windows pre-installed on the hard drive, you can ...
Jorge R. Marín's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to boot into Windows

There's no way to repair the windows boot loader from linux and trying to code that is useless because the disk ID is something that is unique, believe me I tried hard. You must do a windows pendrive ...
Egon Stetmann.'s user avatar
1 vote

Laptop display not recognized - Dual boot elementary and Windows 10

Your graphics card should be perfectly supported. I also have a 1070 in my desktop PC and assuming your information is correct you also have the desktop card in your notebook. I dont know if this ...
Max's user avatar
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