I have a problem regarding installation elementary OS on virtual machine using Hyper-Venter image description here

I am green at using Linux, it is supposed to be my linux distro exclusively for Ruby(on Rails) development. I suppose it could be that elementary is BIOS based and Windows 10 is UEFI based. How do I solve this problem?

6 Answers 6


Yes it can work with gen 2. Before starting VM go into settings -> security. Disable secure boot and save it. Start your VM and go install.


Linux did not work in Hyper V for UEFI installations until very recently. You should find that elementary OS Freya works with legacy mode enabled, or that Loki works as intended.


When creating the VM you will be asked to pick the Generation.

  • Generation 1 will work perfectly.

  • Generation 2 will work IF after you have created the VM using the wizard, you go into the settings of the virtual machine. Change the Security for Microsoft UEFI Certificate Authority

However, you will be limited to a screen resolution under 1920×1080. If it's not a problem for you then great! If you would like a bigger resolution you will need to install XRDP.

with elementary OS 5 Juno


Yes, but only with Generation 1 VMs, configurable at the time of VM creation. There is no sound, and no video acceleration will mean the system will be sluggish.


Бред. Всё прекрасно ставится. Нужно только отключить "Безопасную загрузку"

enter image description here

  • 1
    Could you translate your answer? You might want to recapture screenshots as well running the hypervisor with LOCALE=C
    – lemonslice
    Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 15:31
  • Google Translation, ... Everything is fine set. It is only necessary to disable the "Safe Download" but screenshot is still in Russian. @mapazzzm thanks for trying to share your knowledge with the community. Commented May 2, 2019 at 17:39

![enter image description here

hyper-v quick create do well..

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