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5 votes

Recommended Backup Tool for Elementary OS

I'm not sure what the elementary developers would recommend, but I can make a personal recommendation for a nice GTK3 back up app called Backups. It's in the AppCenter and can be easily installed and ...
Ben Foote's user avatar
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2 votes

How to access data from another operating system files

elementary OS is able to read macOS HFS+ disks. If you want to write to HFS+ disks from elementary OS, you need to install some additional software. Alternatively, to avoid any possible mess with ...
a-tokarev's user avatar
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2 votes

Low disk space on file system

First Don't touch the kernel, please, if you need space there's other places you can chop and vandalize. There's a reason you always have two version of the kernel in the system. And apt always tells ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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2 votes

Recommended Backup Tool for Elementary OS

My tool of choice is Back in Time. It's very versatile (incremental backups, local/cloud, enrypted/non encrypted etc.) and has a clear GUI that allows you to keep track of your backups and restore (...
deesnook's user avatar
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1 vote

Compress and Extract options missing

Run this: sudo apt install --reinstall org.gnome.fileroller Tested and works on Elementary OS 6.1 Jolnir
Bruno Raphael C de Mesquita's user avatar
1 vote

Compress and Extract options missing

With the latest version of elementaryOS 6, this reappeared for me, and the solution above didn't work; what did work was the following one: Compress and Extract options missing from Files with latest ...
zappan's user avatar
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Can i reset my whole operating system i mean can factory reset the data on my OS ??

I really don't advise doing this if it's just for the purpose of saving storage, but you can create a live USB of your distro of choice and then overwrite the partition that had your original install. ...
TORUS's user avatar
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`/var/log/syslog` grew to a very large size

i dont know what is producing the gigabytes of error in syslog is a similar question. I have posted details on a bug here. It is related to VLC (and perhaps other video players). The bug was not ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
1 vote

Unabled to format USB Drive

There is an app on AppCenter, Formatter, which might become useful. Try this.
D.A.H's user avatar
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1 vote

Unabled to format USB Drive

Follow this, might work (Gparted): Also from Debian's launchpad report (link below) You can work around this bug in gnome-disk-utility using these steps: ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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How do I access files in my Windows Documents folder?

For the OSes to share common folders, you have to edit the fstab file to mount the Windows partition on boot, then change your default documents folder location. Mount Windows partition on boot This ...
Daniel Pajaro's user avatar
1 vote

Network sharing with OSX

Ok, all you need is samba. You have to install it first: sudo apt-get install samba samba-common system-config-samba python-glade2 gksu create special user for sharing files, open the application ...
Rayhan Huda's user avatar
1 vote

How change the default installation path?

You cannot really change installation path as unixes use a fixed file system hierarchy. To understand the file system layout in elementary OS you can see
lemonslice's user avatar
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Installing elementary OS on XPS 15 9550 with Intel SSD in dual boot Windows 10

I looked up your laptop from the Dell website. The HDD is in fact a hybrid drive with a 32 gb ssd inside of the 500 gb mechanical drive. This is the reason that you need the Intel RST driver to work. ...
Travis Dill's user avatar
1 vote

Anyone tried getting netatalk working on elementary os?

yes. sudo apt install netatalk I am currently using Pantheon with netatalk for file sharing and Time Machine
Kyle's user avatar
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