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4 votes

Firefox Context Menus are weird and don't work correctly

I don't know if this is an firefox bug or not but there are more topics about this Firefox right button on selected text start Inspect Tool not right button menu and Firefox right click issue Also ...
NeoDragonFox's user avatar
2 votes

Running applications

The files in /usr/share/applications are just desktop configuration files for the Applications menu. They are not the actual applications. In fact, if you were to view one of these text files using ...
Paul Smith's user avatar
2 votes

Can Pantheon Files show sub-menus?

You can add submenus with plugins (e.g. the dropbox plugin) but I do not think you can with contracts which are essentially app launchers.
Jeremy Wootten's user avatar
1 vote

Firefox Dropdowns in wrong location

Thanks to @dsSTORM for giving the idea to download Firefox via snap. I just did and the problem was solved completely!
Miguel Arduz's user avatar
1 vote

Juno: no right click menu on title bar

elementaryOS AFAIK never had that menu, in fact in elementaryOS there's no minimize concept in the system Probably you can see that menu in some non eOS-apps but isn't part of the environment The ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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1 vote

App installed as snap in right-click context menu

One solution is to create a desktop file and then save it in ~/.local/share/applications You can create a desktop file reading: [Desktop Entry] Name=polarr-snap Exec=/snap/bin/polarr %u Type-...
linux_tim's user avatar
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