Linked Questions

0 votes
3 answers

Install Google Chrome on Loki [duplicate]

I am the user of Elementary OS Luna, and was quiet satisfied with it. Yesterday I heard of Loki and wanted to give it a try. and it's cool. But I found some weird issue of library missing while ...
Shankar Regmi's user avatar
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4 answers

How does one install a Debian downloaded package? [duplicate]

Sorry for the newbie question, I am new to Linux, and have some queries. How do I go about installing a software (debian package) I have downloaded from a website? I have tried few things like a) ...
mercurial88's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Problems to install .deb package [duplicate]

I'm having problems installing .deb packages. I tried to install vscode and chrome and failed. The error suggests to enter a .deb package, when installing with terminal need run sudo dpkg -i *.deb ...
lwazevedo's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

Skype Installation on Elementary OS [duplicate]

I am a new Linux user, I am using Elementary OS and not much familiar with its features. I want help with skype installation. I have downloaded the skype from official website, however, I dont know ...
Prashant S.'s user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How can i install Apps from other sources? [duplicate]

I just install Loki and i love it! It is a fast, lightweight and beautiful OS!! My problem has come when I'm trying to install my favourite apps, like Uberwriter and Google Chrome. I knew about ...
edu.vicent's user avatar
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2 answers

Chrome install issues in Loki [duplicate]

After installing Loki and downloading the latest version of Chrome, I haven't been able to install it. I've tried both GDebi and the terminal as well as several different downloads, but both tell me ...
Kevin Lochner's user avatar
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1 answer

Trillian instant messenenger won't install on the new elementary! [duplicate]

I've used Elementary OS Freya for years now, And me and my whole family used an instant messenger called Trillian, And now switching to Loki it won't install. to that I say WTF, why can't we install ...
Isaac Barlow's user avatar
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1 answer

Third-party apps not intalam [duplicate]

Hi I am not able to install third party apps, it downloads normally just does not install help me
Guilherme Cursi's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

How can I add a PPA in Loki?

When I went to install aptik, I tried to add the PPA in the terminal as I normally do with: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:teejee2008/ppa But I get the message: sudo: apt-add-repository: command not ...
kingogames's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

No software is shown in AppCenter except what is installed

AppCenter is empty, only the installed software is shown. I can't add repositories. I get the message 'sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found'. sudo apt install software-properties-common doesn't ...
cristian mos's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Installing .deb file with a double-click

I just installed Elementary OS and some applications aren't available in the AppCenter such as Chrome, so I downloaded the .deb file, but I cannot double-click to install it. An answer suggested to ...
adaba's user avatar
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Gdebi not installing .deb from within Files explorer

I'm brand new to eOS, but I've used other linux distros before. I have installed Gdebi ok. My problem is that Gdebi isn't working properly when I run it after clicking on a file in Files explorer ...
Muffin's user avatar
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2 answers

apturl doesn't work in Loki

apturl is installed. When clicking such a link (like on in Epiphany and Firefox nothing happens. Even tried it Palemoon, with the same result. In both Firefox and Palemoon I ...
user avatar
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3 answers

newby from Mac: how do I "install" a program I've downloaded

sorry that this question is "stupid" : ) So, I've installed elementary, figured out how to access the internet, downloaded two of my favorite programs (LibreOffice and Firefox), clicked on the ...
karyse's user avatar
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1 answer

elementaryOS 5.1.7 Hera AppCenter and apt require password to install anything

First time question here, so Please forgive/guide me if I'm not doing it right, Thanks ! I'm testing elementary OS 5.1.7 Hera (fresh install from elementaryos-5.1-stable.20200706.iso, I did NOT tweak ...
eOS_user's user avatar