This is my first time using any other OS than Windows/Mac. I am astounded by the amount of trouble I'm having trying to get my NVIDIA drivers to work.

Every time, after installing I get a black screen even after disabling nouveau drivers by typing


in the GRUB. I've also tried this method but it didn't work. I've manually enabled 'Software & Updates' and tried installing it that way, but it gets stuck at about 80% and gives me a black screen after rebooting. What am I doing wrong?

I'm using a Windows 10/Elementary OS dualboot setup. I'm happy to provide additional information

2 Answers 2


First, delete every nvidia driver related package you have tried to install. Then do the following:

Check what drivers are avaliable for your system:

sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | grep -o nvidia-[[:digit:]]*

Then install the one you want (replace XXX with the correct number):

sudo apt install nvidia-XXX 

In case you have Optimus Technology you would also want to install this:

sudo apt install nvidia-prime

In case you want to fine tune your settings, is recommended to install nvidia-settings as well:

sudo apt install nvidia-settings
  • Just open up terminal and type all this in?
    – robschter
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 17:48
  • Yes. But one at a time! Also, if you DON'T have a laptop you don't need to install nvidia-prime.
    – Maccer
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 18:34

I solved my issue by turning off secure boot in BIOS.

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