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6 votes

Applications look ugly when using third-party "Arc OSX themes"

You have installed a theme which generally only applies to applications which use GTK+ 3, for example all default apps in elementary. There are other toolkits used by developers for Linux apps where ...
quassy's user avatar
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4 votes

GTK theming in snap apps

Snaps don't always work with the system stylesheet. An easy alternative is to use Flatpak apps from Flathub when apps exist in both places, because Flatpak has a mechanism to work with the elementary ...
Andrew's user avatar
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4 votes

Update Gtk+ on Loki?

You will get problems for sure. It is strongly adviced to use the GTK version the system is build for.
Djax's user avatar
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3 votes

Using Granite with a different language besides Vala

Granite is written in Vala, so it provides a C API which you can use from C++. Using it should be fairly straightforward; just #include <granite.h> in your code, and build with something like ...
nemequ's user avatar
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3 votes

I want to add the listbox scroll fade effect in my app - how?

The most common way a designer can do this is by applying on an upper layer a semitransparent png image or gradient with fading transparency from 1 to 0 and white color. Another option is a gtk box ...
Bo rislav's user avatar
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3 votes

Update Gtk+ on Loki?

Don't try to upgrade it, you just will end with a messed up system, all the versions if gtk lost compatibility from one version to another (you can see this in the themes for example, every gtk theme ...
Alexandr's user avatar
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2 votes

GTK theming in snap apps

Snaps are what is called a "sandboxed" or "confined" package format. This means the amount of access that these apps have to your system is very limited. One of those limitations is that Snaps don't ...
Daniel Foré's user avatar
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Elementary app feasibility: modify any current text input

All feature requests must be written to the proper GitHub page, they do not belong here. I believe that in your case gala is a good starting point. Good luck
Sebastian's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't make Gtk.TextView () fill whole parent Gtk.Box

A lovely application you built here, I particularly like the native indicator! Looking into your Application.css: .command_wrapper { background-color: #fdf6e3; border-radius: 3px; ...
Vlad's user avatar
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2 votes

I don't know what the problem is, but some apps look weird like this [SOLVED]

The problem of the double window I don't understand well the reason why it happens, but it is solved by editing the direct access to the application. This command must be included: GTK_CSD=0 I will ...
Javier A.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Applications look ugly when using third-party "Arc OSX themes"

Try installing gtk2-engines-pixbuf and moving the Ark-OSX folder to /usr/share/themes if it isn’t saved there yet, that fixed it for me.
Amadeus's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

StatusIcon not showing/working

GtkStatusIcon is deprecated since GTK 3.14. It is more for Windows and KDE and not supported on elementary OS or Gnome 3.
Djax's user avatar
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1 vote

Applications look ugly when using third-party "Arc OSX themes"

According to the of the arc theme you need to also install the gtk2-engines-murrine package. Quote: For the theme to function properly, install the ...
timo's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Why doesn't `env GTK_THEME=Adwaita` work in .desktop files?

tl;dr: comment out the line that starts with DBusActivatable in the .desktop file. This section of the always-reliable Arch wiki article for desktop entries was clutch: Modify command line arguments ...
Kevin E's user avatar
  • 152
1 vote

StackSIdebar is not visible

You are adding the stack to the window: You are then constructing an object called ...
David Hewitt's user avatar
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GTK 3.22 migration of older gtk.css -> Black Margin on elementaryOS apps

The .window-frame tweak does not work anymore on recent versions of GTK3 due to massive CSS overhaul. Here is a patch that seems to effectively disable these black borders on GTK3 (tested on version 3....
michaeldel's user avatar
1 vote

How do I turn off the windows gradient? [SOLVED]

I made it to work. In gtk-widgets.css and gtk-widgets-dark.css I added/edited a .tilebar element with background-image: linear-gradient() property. As arguments I set white color hex in white-version ...
younyokel's user avatar
  • 176
1 vote

Code don't work

You are showing all the window objects and then adding the button afterwards. Try: main_window.add (button_hello); main_window.show_all();
theGtknerd's user avatar
1 vote

mate-system-monitor won't show in Application menus, plus errors when launched in terminal

You need to realize that when you choose to install ElementaryOS, you choose Wingpanel+Plank+Gala and NOT Mate, not even Unity when you read inside the file /usr/share/applications/mate-system-...
Sebastian's user avatar
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1 vote

Trying to replicate this macOS dark sierra theme

How about this? Elementary OSX Just follow instructions and copy folders to their respective places. It looks gorgeous. Icons, GTK and Plank themes.
Telmo's user avatar
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Linked style doesn't work for buttons

The Gtk.HeaderBar provides special styling for Gtk.Button's so that they look good inside it. The solution: In your case the solution is easy: remove the image-button style class from the ...
donadigo's user avatar
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1 vote

Suspend Problem (?)

I had this problem up until today, when i installed the latest OS update (the one with the new AppCenter), i think it had an update to the nvidia driver. Afterwards the behavior stabilized and ...
Mike Rodov's user avatar
1 vote

Swift/GTK Bindings

There are currently no plans from elementary to officially support Swift. However, apps submitted to AppCenter are more than welcome to use Swift or any other language so long as they are GTK3 apps. ...
Djax's user avatar
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1 vote

Pantheon Files Side Panel CSS

In file gtk.css, change this: MarlinViewWindow .source-list.sidebar.view { background-color: white; }
btd1337's user avatar
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Pantheon Files Side Panel CSS

In the source code file src/View/Sidebar.vala (cf. apt-get source pantheon-files) it seems that the sidebar and source-list classes are applied to the sidebar. In /usr/share/themes/elementary/gtk-3.0/...
lemonslice's user avatar
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GTK Themes Doesn't Work Well on Loki

Not all themes are going to display well in elementary, particularly in apps that have client side decorations like those native to elementary - files, maya, epiphany, etc. You going through the ...
pretz's user avatar
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GTK Themes Doesn't Work Well on Loki

Maybe you need to put the theme folder in home/.local/share/themes. Or maybe that theme doesn't support Pantheon DE. And i recomend you to use elmentary tweaks for manage your desktop theme and some ...
Pablo's user avatar
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1 vote

GTK theming in snap apps

use flatpak and run the bellow command, it will allow flatpak apps to use your theme, no idea why canonical doesn't expose the theme and icon folders already, snaps are doa just because of the theming,...
spider623's user avatar
1 vote

Cumulus not working on elementary os loki

I'm not sure how you installed it, but it looks like you are missing the python-gobject package which is used by Python to interact with GTK. You can install it with sudo apt install python-gobject.
Mike Wild's user avatar
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Can't find gtk header file for vala-code compilation

Just had the same issue on elementary OS Hera. I've fixed it by adding this line to my .bashrc: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:$...
Peter's user avatar
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