I am a Windows user. And recently started using freya for learning. I need to install and configure putty for the SSH. I am not sure how to download and install it. Is there any command I have to run in terminal?.
2 Answers
Install from Terminal
Open terminal and run:
sudo apt install putty
Now Access the Putty SSH Client
Thank it worked. It just similar to ubuntu. Nothing difference in it. Commented Nov 29, 2015 at 2:40
For what it's worth, elementary comes with an SSH client (as do most flavors of Linux). You can start an SSH session by opening Terminal and running the following command:
I have not tested it directly. Will it connect the vps ubuntu.? Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 2:27
Yep, it should connect to just about any Linux server. I've used this command in the past on elementary to connect to a Linux VPS running CentOS. It worked like a charm. Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 15:38