If you want to have minimize
, maximize
and close
buttons on top right of chrome :
Open terminal and run:
gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string ":minimize,maximize,close"
Now restart chrome.
GUI method:
Install gconf-editor
sudo apt-get install gconf-editor
Now Open configuration-editor
--> apps-->metacity--> general, select button_layout
and right click --> Edit Key.
Now add value :minimize,maximize,close
Note : If you enable use system title bar and borders It will not work.So make sure that was disabled. I have tested it in freya.
how to rollback?
Open configuration-editor
--> apps
--> metacity
--> general
Now in right side of the window, select button_layout
and right-click select Unset key
Now restart chrome.
EDIT: To give clarity
At first:
Adjusting settings-
After still close button on left:
After executing command in my answer :
button to right side. But in your question you have mentioned to change close button as well =)Also there is nothing to worry about usingcommand
which was tested