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Questions tagged [startup]

For questions regarding the processes that automatically run after booting or after the GUI login.

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2 votes
1 answer

Can not mount old encrypted home partition

Computer: Acer Aspire 4752 Intel core i3-2330M, 6GB RAM,500GB HDD I had the 64-bit elementary OS Luna with the following disk partitions: /dev/sda1(400GB) as /home /dev/sda2(30GB) as /root /dev/sda3(...
Mann's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I mount a network filesystem on boot?

I have a server I connect to using ssh in pantheon-files, how do I make the network file system remain mounted after reboot?
John Guerreiro's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to edit startup applications?

If I go to Settings, Applications, Startup, all I see is: I remember I had added a few startup scripts (conky etc) and applications (xbindkeys) but I cannot see them there. I think they were added ...
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5 votes
1 answer

How can I use another window manager, such as Kwin, in place of Gala?

If I want to use another window manager by default, what process would I need to go through to achieve this? I would like it to work along with cerbere.
RolandiXor's user avatar
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3 answers

How to setup your NTFS drives/partitions to mount on elementary OS startup?

I have installed elementary OS freya installed on a drive which also contains another ntfs partition which I would like to mount at system startup. Is there a way I can do this?
Pranav Karanjkar's user avatar