Linked Questions

2 votes
5 answers

Sometimes the dock and top bar do not appear on elementary Loki. What to do? [duplicate]

Sometimes the dock and top bar do not appear. What to do?
Diga Salinas's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Significant lag loading panel and dock after login (Loki) [duplicate]

I am generally happy with my installation of Loki but I have ran into a few bugs. The most confusing one is that, sometimes (not always, although I cannot predict when it will and will not happen), ...
Rarcas's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Delay during login after entering correct password in Loki [duplicate]

I've recently started seeing a delay (about a minute or so) after entering my password in greeter and the desktop showing up. I filed this bug ...
Vishal Rao's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

elementary OS takes up to 20 seconds to login after I enter my login password [duplicate]

I am using elmentaryOS Loki. It takes up to 20 seconds to show desktop after I enter my password. Please help me out. Update: I have update my Linux Kernel to 4.10 version
Alex Jones's user avatar
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2 answers

Pantheon doesn't load [duplicate]

Well my problem is that, lately it happens a lot. When i turn on, nothing appears(wingpanel,dock) but only my wallpaper. It's tiring to restart all the time the pc, and sometimes it doesn't even ...
woopsi's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Sometimes, desktop environment failed to start [duplicate]

Sometimes, the desktop environment of elementary OS Loki failed to start when i've entered my password in LightDM. Do you have any tips for me ? Thx for read this post.
Hikaru_lix's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

No desktop after logging in - fresh install [duplicate]

Just installed EOS on my laptop. First issue is that when it asks me to reboot to finish installation the reboot button is greyed out. After waiting about 10 minutes I just hard reset the laptop. ...
aboutros's user avatar
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2 answers

Infinite loop on login screen [duplicate]

Title says it all. I installed some updates yesterday (hadn't updated in around ~6 months) to my Freya (don't laugh) system. Today, whenever I enter my password and press enter, a black screen flashes,...
kirbyfan64sos's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

elementary OS: Wingpanel and plank load very slowly at boot [duplicate]

My hardware specifications include a 256 GB HDD SSD and 8 GB of RAM. Recently, eOS has started taking around 30 seconds to load wingpanel and plank after login screen. I referred to this question ...
shubhamsingh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Long boot time after recent updates [duplicate]

Everything was running smooth and fast till I updated my system. It is evident that the newest updates are causing this +2minutes boot time. suspicious boot times are enclosed in asteriks systemd-...
egy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

No desktop after installing Elementary OS [duplicate]

I decided to install ElementaryOs dist on my laptop (dual boot with W10) and, after trying and trying I cant figure out what am I doing wrong or whats the problem. I made the correct and typical ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Empty desktop after installing 4.1 version [duplicate]

After install 4.1 new version, I rebooted and logged in. The login interface disappeared as usual but nothing else happened there was just the background image. No way to shutdown also. How to fix ...
Sl19's user avatar
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0 answers

I rebooted and now when I log in, nothing but the wallpaper shows up[sloved] [duplicate]

I rebooted and now when I log in, nothing but the wallpaper shows up.and I can't do nothing but wait some seconds everything back to normal
user8167's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Laptop hangs for approximately 2 minutes upon sign-in [duplicate]

I have a System76 Galago Pro. Upon booting the laptop and logging in, the laptop hangs on a screen showing only the desktop wallpaper for about 2 minutes before loading the desktop. One thing to note ...
Jacob Cantele's user avatar
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Wont boot up after update last night [duplicate]

Question about display. I am guessing I have an issue with driver/firmware for display. System was fine, updated last nite....turned on HP Pavilion this morning and it will not boot. Says firmware ...
wonderwall824's user avatar

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