How can I change the default cursor to I-beam mode in pantheon terminal?

2 Answers 2


You can do it via dconf-editor or via gsettings + terminal.

  • Open terminal and type in following:

    # gsettings set org.pantheon.terminal.settings cursor-shape 'I-Beam'

    To rollback run following:

    # gsettings set org.pantheon.terminal.settings cursor-shape 'Block'
  • Open dconf-editor and navigate to org.pantheon.terminal.settings, open cursor-shape and set it to I-Beam.

  • In Juno it is under io->elementary->terminal->settings->cursor-shape. And if you want the "_" use the Keyword "Underline".
    – phrogg
    Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 17:29

Open your terminal on Elementary OS and execute the following command:

gsettings set io.elementary.terminal.settings cursor-shape 'I-Beam'

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