I enabled dark theme in elementary OS 5.1 using this command: "wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/veyselerden/elementaryos-dark-theme-enabler-script/master/enable-dark-theme.sh && chmod +x enable-dark-theme.sh && ./enable-dark-theme.sh" How do I revert back to the normal theme?
1 Answer
The script copied some setting changes into gtk config. So you just need to delete that file.
sudo rm -rf ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
The dock theme however is overridden by the script, so you need to find a suitable theme at gnome-look.org
[Plank themes here1
Extract the package to .local/share/plank/themes
(hidden in your home directory)
Open the terminal type;
plank --preferences
You’ll now be greeted by this menu.
You can now pick the theme you downloaded.