I have an old pc (Dual core, 2gb ram (No graphic card because now is damaged) I used Windows 10 just for Work (My creative cloud subscription) and thanks to the subreddit [/r/unixporn][1 I've installed Freya (my first time in linux) and now I love linux and that OS. but when I installed Elementary OS Freya I did not create the swap partition (I did not know almost nothing about linux and so install it) but now my pc stays stuck in certain times and according to I have read on websites the swap memory help the computers with low ram memory (2gb or less) the question is:
How I can create the swap memory without installing elementary os again?
I have 4gb free space for the swap memory.
The swap memory it can cause problem with the windows 10 installation?
Hope that you help me, Im newbie in linux
).Also what you mean "done" ? Solved your problem ? =)