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Questions tagged [photo-editing]

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Creative software

Considering moving to elementary and as a musician and photographer, I'm wondering if it supports standard music software like cubase or reason and photography software like Adobe Photoshop? If it ...
Oluwafemi Peter-Ben Aboluwarin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I run Photoshop CC 2015 and other illustrator programs on elementary OS? [closed]

I am thinking about switching to Linux, coming from Windows 10. I am an illustrator, so currently I use Photoshop CC 2015 mostly, and sometimes also use Krita (3.0 is coming out, yay), Autodesk ...
Daniel Aubert's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can Photo viewer only crop to the aspect ratio of the original image

I find it puzzling that every time I've cropped an image with Photo Viewer, I'm unable to change the aspect ratio of the crop region (it remains the same as the aspect ratio of the original image). I'...
fredrikekelund's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a tool/method to dynamically layout a grid of images for scrapbook cutouts?

I'm looking for a tool that will layout images into grids dynamically without altering their proportions. The purpose would be to make cutting image printouts much faster for scrapbooking. I know a ...
johnp's user avatar
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Photos: some photos get rejected for some reason, why? How to restore them to the collection?

I am using Polish language version of elementary OS so the terminology might be incorrect. Anyway: I downloaded some free CC licenced stock photos and decided this is a great opportunity to actually ...
user134865's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I get Noise and Photos to recognize my phone?

I am trying to sync my Samsung Galaxy S6 to Noise and Photos, but Noise won't recognize it at all, and Photos gives me the following error. Does anyone know how I can get these programs to recognize ...
kingogames's user avatar
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Is there any Photo Editing Software for elementary?

Are there any tools or software which can be used in elementary ? If so, do they support CYMK format other than RGB ?
ThisaruG's user avatar
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