everyone. I use zotero for my studies and downloaded a tar.gz-file from their website. When I extract it, it has an executable shell script that launches the programme. I wanted to be able to start Zotero from slingshot instead of having to browse to the folder every time I want to open it. So I created my own .desktop file which is called zotero.desktop and I created it while running scratch as root and placed it in /usr/share/applications/
This is the file:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Bibliografisch programma
Exec=/home/lieven/ICT/Configuratie en Setup/Zotero_linux-x86_64/zotero
Icon=/home/lieven/ICT/Configuratie en Setup/Zotero_linux-x86_64/chrome/icons/default/default48.png
But when I open slingshot and type in Zotero, it isn't listed as an entry. This is also the case after logging out and restarting the computer. What can I do to be able to open Zotero from within slingshot?
...are you sure the path is correct?