Recently the New... menu has overflown with useless options for new files, such as .bashrc, .Xauthority, or .steampath
Any suggestions for how to clear it out?
2 Answers
The "New" list in the right-click menu draws from XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR
in .config/user-dirs.dirs
Running the command tail ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
showed that XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR was set as $HOME
and hence was trying to use all the various dotfiles in the home directory as templates.
Amending the file so it says XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME/Templates"
followed by a restart fixed the issue.
Just adding a comment here, as this has been an issue that I encountered recently.
If the Templates folder is Deleted, and the system is restarted, the config line changes to XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME".
By setting it to "$HOME/Templates", then creating a folder called Templates in the Home Directory, then restarting, fixed my issue.
tail ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
variable's value.