enter image description hereAll my apps in elementary OS have a minimize button, but when it comes to VLC player, it doesn't have minimize button, please help.

6 Answers 6


Tweaks do not really help, most windows follow the decoration (e.g., "minized on right" or "windows style") but several apps (VLC, SM PLayer, UM PLayer, Virtualbox, Teamviewer, DoubleCommander, Gigolo) don't.


I am using the flatpak version of VLC along with OS X window controls and I have the minimize button.

enter image description here


You can install Tweaks and check window controls in Appearance tab. On layout you can choose your style

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    – Hasan
    Commented Jan 10, 2020 at 10:21

If you are on Hera in the AppCenter app look for "GNOME Tweaks" and install that. After it downloads click open. On the Window tab there is "Minimize" switch that you can flip on to show the minimize on the GNOME apps.


You could also just click on the vlc icon on the dock which will minimize it.


I installed the version from Synaptic (3.08) and it is okay. I have in my notes to not install the one from Appcenter but I believe that was an issue unrelated to the OP's issue.

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