I think Wingpanel having the ability to dodge maximized, or to integrate maximized window borders the way Unity used to. Plank has done this for years, as does Xfce, KDE, etc. It doesn't seem like a complex feature and many users would benefit. One reason is the irritation of moving my cursor to the upper corner of the screen and finding that I passed up the X button. Cursor gymnastics! That and having a window border beneath a panel is cosmetically unpleasing. Bringing back Wingpanel Slim would be a welcoming option as well. Thanks in advance.
2 Answers
Wingpanel Autohide Script by Yunn (works in elementary OS Juno)
To allow installing the script from PPA:
sudo apt install software-properties-common
To install the script:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yunnxx/elementary
sudo apt update
sudo apt install elementary-wingautohide
To autostart the script:
go to System Settings > Applications > Startup
, click Add Autostart App...
button in the bottom-left corner and paste this command into the Type in a custom command
sh /usr/bin/wingautohide.sh
To uninstall the script:
sudo apt purge elementary-wingautohide
To enable PPAs, execute this command in Terminal:
sudo apt install software-properties-common
. Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 7:06
Something about it here. Translator needed.