Here is a list of many keyboard shortcuts, starting with the ones for managing windows and workspaces.
Alt + f4
Alt + f5
Toggle Maximized
Windows Key + Up Arrow
Windows Key + H
Tile Left
Windows Key + Ctrl + Left Arrow
Tile Right
Windows Key + Ctrl + Right Arrow
Switch Windows
Alt + Tab
Switch Windows Backwards
Shift + Alt + Tab
Window Overview
Windows Key + W
Show All Windows
Windows Key + A
Show Workspace Switcher
Windows Key + Down Arrow
Switch to First
Windows Key + Home
Switch to New
Windows Key + End
Switch to Workspace 1
Windows Key + 1
Switch to Workspace 2
Windows Key + 2
Switch to Workspace 3
Windows Key + 3
Switch to Workspace 4
Windows Key + 4
Switch to Workspace 5
Windows Key + 5
Switch to Workspace 6
Windows Key + 6
Switch to Workspace 7
Windows Key + 7
Switch to Workspace 8
Windows Key + 8
Switch to Workspace 9
Windows Key + 9
Switch to Left
Windows Key + Left Arrow
Switch to Right
Windows Key + Right Arrow
Take a Screenshot
Print Screen
Save Screenshot to Clipboard
Ctrl + Print Screen
Save Screenshot of a Window
Alt + Print Screen
Save Window-screenshot to Clipboard
Ctrl + Alt + Print Screen
Now, with all of that said, I prefer using the workspaces feature using
Windows Key + Tab
Shift + Windows Key + Tab
to navigate around. Don't forget you also have a blue square icon on the bottom left for multitasking view.