- [https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/7542/how-can-i-install-deb-files-in-loki] : Eddy might be recommended GUI way, but is NOT Free, so I went for apt "the proper cli way"
[https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/7542/how-can-i-install-deb-files-in-loki] : Eddy might be recommended GUI way, but is NOT Free, so I went for apt "the proper cli way"
- (read all this one but this is the point of interest) [https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/a/6973]
(read all this one but this is the point of interest) [https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/a/6973]
- [https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/22504/appcenter-failed-to-obtain-authentication], and sudo apt update / upgrade both block me with a password request. And yes I did reboot ...
[https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/22504/appcenter-failed-to-obtain-authentication], and sudo apt update / upgrade both block me with a password request. And yes I did reboot ...
- not relevant to my situation but read it anyways (BTW, shouldn't this be in elementaryos.stackexchange ? ) [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61640553/elementary-os-hera-5-1-cant-login-session-returned-error-code-1-accid]
not relevant to my situation but read it anyways (BTW, shouldn't this be in elementaryos.stackexchange ? ) [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61640553/elementary-os-hera-5-1-cant-login-session-returned-error-code-1-accid]
just saw this on the sidebar after I posted : [https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/24754/installing-deb-file-with-a-double-click] : interesting but not relevant to my question, and AppCenter -> Eddy shows $5, so not Free, contrary to one answer reports, and "dpkg (the way that doesn't resolve dependencies)" seems to be the wrong way to doing things as found in [https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/7542/how-can-i-install-deb-files-in-loki]