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Questions tagged [webcam]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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iSight webcam doesn’t work on MacBook Core 2 Duo

I don't know if this is the right place to open this discussion, but I have a problem that I can't solve. I installed elementary OS on a MacBook Core 2 Duo (A1181), in dual boot with OS X Lion. I had ...
Orso Rosso's user avatar
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Cannot make calls through Skype

I've recently installed Skype to my computer, which runs Elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki. Even though it was installed smoothly, when I try to click on call icon, it does nothing. So now I'm unable to make ...
Soner Ülkü's user avatar
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Rotate image in google talk and skype

In my computer I have an app's camera and GTK UVC video viwer, I can use it without problems, but when I use hangouts or Skype my image is inverted. are there any way to create a virtual camera where ...
alberto's user avatar
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mic and webcam permission error on epiphany

when opening any site that require mic or webcam permission on epiphany theres no way i can give permission so i am unable to use any of these unfortunately mic and webcam works fine in chrome (on ...
jack's user avatar
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v4l2loopback on surface devices

I'm newbie with Elementary OS, and I really enjoying the speed and stability of the OS. The only thing that it's really annoying for me is the webcam and videoconferencing software with my Surface ...
Jose Lipari's user avatar