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Low resolution and DPI causing save dialog input text to disappear [duplicate]

I am experiencing lots of problems with the current DPI implementation of Elementary OS Juno. Now the save dialog is simply broken. I believe it's part of Files. Could anyone suggest an usable ...
Danguafer's user avatar
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2 answers

How to enable desktop icons and right click in Elementary OS Loki (0.4)? [duplicate]

I tried the method for Freya but it did not work. First of all nautilus was not installed (only the default files, which is aparently named pantheon-files). Installing nautilus did not help and ...
Vincent Gerris's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I install Cinnamon on Loki?

I'm looking to install the Cinnamon DE (which is default under Linux Mint) on my machine running Loki. How can I do this?
Jules's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to enable desktop icons and right click in Elementary OS Freya? [duplicate]

I cannot put any icons or right click on the desktop in Elementary Freya. How can I enable that?
codehitman's user avatar
29 votes
6 answers

Why can't I place files on the desktop by default, and how can I get this feature?

By default, elementary OS doesn't have a desktop folder - and no files can be placed onto the wallpaper. Note that this isn't just that icons don't show, there really is no desktop folder: Where ...
Christian's user avatar
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