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How can I change the swap partition in Loki

You can check the UUID of your (new) swap space: user@host:~$ lsblk -f -o NAME,FSTYPE,UUID | grep swap ├─sda3 swap ce70123c-6341-4802-9b96-29c39fb4110b You should edit sudo nano /etc/fstab (...
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How can I install Elementary OS with enough swap space to hibernate?

I know that with at least the elementaryOS 5.0 "Juno" install media you are able to create custom partition tables. Proceed through the installation wizard, and when you get to the "Installation Type"...
curiouser's user avatar
2 votes

Which swap should I resize?

In fact, having the swap space twice the size of your RAM is only a guideline. Actually with 8 GB of physical RAM you won't need much swap space: you might want to keep the one and delete the other ...
lemonslice's user avatar
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How do I move my swap file to another disk?

You'll want to access the drives when they're not mounted, so install gparted on a "live CD" or thumb drive, where you'll be able to toss your swap on one disk and create one on another. Now to ...
wolf's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I Increase the Swap Size?

Generally a swap file would not be written in /dev, which contains device APIs, but in the root (/) directory. So long as you don’t mind having a file there, you can do something like this: sudo ...
matigo's user avatar
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Slow boot time after changeover from Ubuntu to elementary OS

Long boot time can be caused by a lot of things. In first place you should check systemd journal (systemd is operating system initialization program) by using journalctl -b command, which will show ...
kkric's user avatar
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How to change swap area partition?

You run Gparted and create a swap partition in the disk. Right click on that partition >>information tab. There you locate UUID and location (ex. /dev/sda5). Then you open '/etc/fstab' (can be opened ...
totikom's user avatar
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How can I change the swap partition in Loki

Run the following command to get the UUID of your swap partition: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid Edit your /etc/fstab and change the uuid # swap was on /dev/sdax during installation UUID=put_the uuid_here ...
GAD3R's user avatar
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How can I change the swap partition in Loki

As lemonslice said, you need to edit /etc/fstab and not /etc/fstab/. You can use GParted to find your UUID (right click > informations). Then just add a ligne to fstab like this UUID=YOUR_UUID none ...
Shining's user avatar
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