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4 votes

How to solve broken Google Chrome icon?

Just do sudo apt -f install after this. dpkg -i or dpkg --install doesn't install dependencies automatically.
kostyabakay's user avatar
3 votes

Google Chrome version 62 has no window buttons when maximized

It has a workaround running chrome with env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME via terminal. Here's a screenshot of that. It is possible to alter Google Chrome's environment via changing the /opt/google/...
MrMarukesu's user avatar
3 votes

Google Chrome version 62 has no window buttons when maximized

This is specific to Elementary. This is due to a bug I fixed to show the app indicator in the status bar. The side effect of the implementation detail, was it caused the buttons to get removed when ...
Garbee's user avatar
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3 votes

How to solve broken Google Chrome icon?

In the terminal navigate to /usr/share/applications sudo scratch-text-editor google-chrome.desktop scroll about halfway down to just above the [Desktop Action NewWindow] section look for the Icon ...
pretz's user avatar
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3 votes

Move Google Chrome close/minimize/maximize buttons to the left side

Alternatively you could run: gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string "close:maximize" to maintain consistency with the default elementary window controls.
kingogames's user avatar
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3 votes

Intel core i7 6500 skylake - Chrome flickering/tearing

I had the same problem and i got to fix it by *opening the terminal *run upgrade *run ¨ sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-intel * run autoremove and finally reboot it fixed the flickering and ...
user7633's user avatar
2 votes

Chrome apps as default applications

You can, as in the example below (I used Google Docs as I do not have the other app but it should work exactly in the same way). Install the chrome app in question in the application menu (right-...
lemonslice's user avatar
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2 votes

How to show Google Chrome in the wingpanel?

The menu bar (wingpanel) at the top of the screen is for extended information at a glance and quick access to extended functions. If you are just looking to launch or hide Google Chrome, the dock (...
wolf's user avatar
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2 votes

Intel core i7 6500 skylake - Chrome flickering/tearing

Finally with the help of the user 'I just look ilegal' do the purge of the xserver. the steps where: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nvidia-current sudo prime-select intel sudo apt-get ...
Juan Camilo Torres Sánchez's user avatar
2 votes

How can I turn off the new keyring pop-up window?

Okay! After some heavy digging, First, update Chrome (⋮ in upper-right corner > Help > About Google Chrome)—a fix has already been submitted but it did not fix all issues. Then subscribe to the ...
wolf's user avatar
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2 votes

Elemantary OS + Google Chrome: Chrome is opening new tabs with ad-content

I suggest checking what extensions you have running in Chrome. It's likely not a virus or malware. Sounds like Chrome picked up a bad extension that is throwing ads at you. But if you want to install ...
pretz's user avatar
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2 votes

Chrome locks up when uploading images

Please look at: This issue concerns any file selection dialog.
Shahar Porat 's user avatar
2 votes

Video on Chrome freezing

It's a known issue that no one has figured out a good solution for yet: Please use the thumbs up instead of adding comments that you also have the issue, ...
Peter Uithoven's user avatar
2 votes

How to make Google Chrome open itself at every boot?

System Settings > Applications > Startup > Add Startup App (bottom left corner)
cristian mos's user avatar
1 vote

Error on launching the "App Store"

It looks like AppCentre can't handle that kind of user interaction That message was a normal user interaction asking if you accept the change from Google Inc to Google LLC in the repo's config ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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1 vote

google chrome stuck when watching video at full screen size

There is an update that fixes this issue. Just update in AppCentre or run the following commands in terminal: sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade
Mohammad Barghamadi's user avatar
1 vote

Google Chrome Browser loses input when Pantheon File Browser is invoked for file upload

Bug fix found. it is caused by the 'GTK_MODULES=pantheon-filechooser-module' env. After removing it from /etc/profile.d/ and reboot, Chrome does not freeze when uploading ...
Andre Vieira's user avatar
1 vote

Google Chrome Browser loses input when Pantheon File Browser is invoked for file upload

Files 0.3.5 update fixed this issue. Thank you.
Lukáš Pikora's user avatar
1 vote

Google Chrome Browser loses input when Pantheon File Browser is invoked for file upload

So I just had a Files and OS update get pushed, and suddenly this is no longer an issue. That was fast! Very awesome... so far I've been loving Elementary OS!
Reed Love's user avatar
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1 vote

High cpu usage Chrome

Try to turn off these in Chrome---> Settings---> System.
Kumar5ws's user avatar
1 vote

High cpu usage Chrome

Maybe your kernel is outdated? I was having issues with CPU usage and freezes with Chrome, Epiphany and Files Manager. To know your kernel version open your terminal. $ uname -r It will return your ...
Felipe's user avatar
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1 vote

High cpu usage Chrome

thnks for the suggestion But Chrome is the one for me, i have Win7 also on this same Pc and i played youtube videos trough it and checked the cpu usage, was about 20 maybe less, I UPGRADED my linux ...
Dikimach Chakb's user avatar
1 vote

Loki - running on a Chromebook using crouton

You might want to install from a terminal with sudo dpkg --install ~/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb sudo apt-get install -f so that you get more verbose error messages.
lemonslice's user avatar
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1 vote

Open url from terminal in chrome

The links from terminal are opened in your default browser. If you want to open it in chrome, make chrome your default browser...
jacosro's user avatar
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1 vote

How Do I Get To Play Videos?

Go to terminal and type: sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin Now, the videos will play.
Jordan Evans's user avatar
1 vote

Chrome always asking for password in elementary OS Loki

It's because you have auto login set. If you disable auto login Chrome will not ask each time. It's a security "feature".
pretz's user avatar
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1 vote

Chrome always asking for password in elementary OS Loki

Setting this keyring to blank should let it do its thing without bothering you. If you have already set it up, trash your keyring and restart Chrome to receive the fresh prompt, where you can set it ...
wolf's user avatar
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1 vote

Get close, minimize, and maximize in Chrome to appear on the right side in Freya?

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to start Task Manager. When Task Manager opens, locate Desktop Windows Manager, right click it and choose End Task.
Jayakumar R's user avatar
1 vote

Google Chrome appears twice in slingshot

The way I remove unwanted icons is use the program menulibre. sudo apt-get install menulibre That will give you a menu editor. Open the Menu Editor and search for Chrome. Hide the icon and save ...
Eosdude's user avatar
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