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8 votes

Can I scale everything at 125%?

I think what you may be looking for can be done by using dconf-editor. If you do not have it installed, you can do so in Terminal with this: sudo apt install dconf-editor Once installed, open dconf-...
linux_tim's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I change the default Terminal font?

For versions 5.0 above: gsettings set io.elementary.terminal.settings font 'FiraCode 10'
Gilvando Lucas Vieira's user avatar
5 votes

Fonts looks weird at Loki (and just in my user session!). How do I fix it?

I solved it after googling a while; this applies to all gnome based enviroments (at least according to this) Just run the following lines on terminal, then reset the system normally. Done. gsettings ...
Carlos R.'s user avatar
4 votes

What is the default font used by the terminal in elementary os?

The default font for terminal is Roboto Mono 10. You can find all default variables at this repository on : elementary/default-settings
bitseater's user avatar
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3 votes

In Evince, PDF text is not visible on many files

Allright, I found the fix: It was about clearing and rebuilding the font cache with fc-cache -f -v, but run for the flatpak version of evince, so the command is: flatpak run --command=fc-cache org....
dennismayr's user avatar
2 votes

The Monaco font doesn't work

sudo sed -i '/>Monaco/{N;N;N;s/>Cousine/>Monaco/}' /etc/fonts/conf.avail/31-croscore-elementary.conf
Wheat's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I change the default Terminal font?

You can do many customizations using elementary-tweaks switchboard plugin. But the older repository is not maintained by the original author anymore. Fortunately it's been forked by some other devs ...
Anwar's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I Change VSCODE sidebar font

VS Code is an Electron app (built using web technologies), as opposed to a native app (using GTK). I don't believe you have any control over the fonts beyond whatever settings Microsoft have exposed ...
Mike Wild's user avatar
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2 votes

Font problems in elementary os

The thing that worked for me is Fonts looks weird at Loki (and just in my user session!). How do I fix it? But I got an error: GLib-GIO-Message: 21:06:40.395: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend. ...
Arseniy Molodetskiy's user avatar
2 votes

Elementary OS 6 font seems to be with low resolution

I had exactly same problem. It seems that replacing Inter font with Ubuntu Regular font make things a little better. Also today there is system update in AppCentre which maybe brings some improvements....
Sergey Baranov's user avatar
2 votes

Installing fonts in Elementary

You have to install them. Check if Gnome Fonts are installed (normally is), then just click on font file and it will install.
Al.ien's user avatar
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1 vote

Odin fonts unsharp, how to fix like Hera?

It's the font! I changed to Open Sans as in Hera and the font is sharper again.
kladkaka1000's user avatar
1 vote

How to force all apps to use system fonts (the ones set using Gnome Tweaks)?

Here's another approach: "Uniform theme and fonts for Qt apps in GTK environments" provided by the EndeavourOS-guys (recommended for fonts only in this case): Instead of the the given arch-...
Eric's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

How to force all apps to use system fonts (the ones set using Gnome Tweaks)?

You're going to need to edit your Fontconfig settings. Sadly, Fontconfig is very complex, so I normally only recommend this for experts, but seems you really need to. This guide shows how to do it ...
Michael C.'s user avatar
1 vote

Some emojis are black and white in Anki (qt programme) instead of colored like in other applications

All right! After searching around, stumbling upon Twitter Color Emoji (spoiler: doesn't work on Linux - only for Firefox: ...
C. Sap's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

How can I change default font for other language?

Great to see a fellow Thai in here. Now as for the font, I assume you want to change it to Thai serif font. Elementary OS come with both san-serif and serif Thai fonts. All you need to do is change ...
punpun's's user avatar
1 vote

Installing Infinality

This Reddit thread may help provide some context to the problem:
INTP5's user avatar
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1 vote

Screenshot tool messed up system wide fonts

Just disable the option where it says Conceal Text (mine is in Spanish and says Ofuscar Texto) Conceal Text ON Conceal Text OFF
Sebastian's user avatar
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1 vote

Screenshot tool messed up system wide fonts

There is a feature that obscures the onscreen text for screenshots by switching the font, taking the screenshot, and then switching the font back. The font obviously hasn't been switched back in this ...
David Hewitt's user avatar
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1 vote

elementary OS system fonts haywire

Just disable the option where it says Conceal Text (mine is in Spanish and says Ofuscar Texto). Should be a bug that kept the conceal after you used the tool. Conceal Text ON Conceal Text OFF
Sebastian's user avatar
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1 vote

elementary OS system fonts haywire

This is likely a bug with the screenshot tool. There is a feature that obscures the onscreen text for screenshots by switching the font, taking the screenshot, and then switching the font back. The ...
David Hewitt's user avatar
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1 vote

Large font in Pantheon greeter

edit /etc/lightdm/pantheon-greeter.conf for example, I'm using Roboto font for the login screen [greeter] #activate-numlock=true #default-wallpaper=/usr/share/backgrounds/elementaryos-...
junglon's user avatar
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1 vote

FontViewer v3.20.2 missing icon from "Applications" menu

I recommend Menulibre It's simple GUI to add applications to slingshot and/or change names, icons etc. However, if you want to keep simple. Make a .desktop ...
Dysproz's user avatar
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1 vote

Fonts and some graphics disappear / lost after hibernate / sleep / resume / cycle

Prof. Falken. I searched on forums high and low to solve this issue. I can not remember where I found the solution, but this worked for me: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 The ...
Prof. Falken's user avatar
1 vote

Noise music player font problem

Looks like a mp3 tag coding issue in some files, you should ensure that all your mp3 tags are in utf-8.
lemonslice's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I Change VSCODE sidebar font

/usr/share/vscode/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.main.css Just edit font-family CSS to get different font in sidebar
Madura Anushanga's user avatar

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