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4 votes

No bash_profile and when I define it, it doesn't load

.bash_profile and .profile are only executed by login shells and text consoles. Terminal apps on GNU/Linux are neither so they use .bashrc instead. AFAIK only macOS uses a login shell on its Terminal ...
Axel Advento's user avatar
4 votes

Case sensitive tab completion

And of course as soon as I ask I find the answer - set completion-ignore-case off in /etc/inputrc (from
Andrew's user avatar
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1 vote

How to write an alias to accept variables

So dumb of me. I achieved my goal by adding this line to the .zshrc: cluster() { ssh root@"$1"; } And then did a source .zshrc Running cluster c1232-node3 executes ssh root@...
Saurabh Lambe's user avatar
1 vote

How do I launch a new application in a new workspace from terminal?

quite simple actually using wmctrl and sleep. This is what I did: #!/bin/bash wmctrl -s 0 ############################################ # Switches to first ...
computronium's user avatar
1 vote

Dumb Noob question: Terminal is stuck in bash edit mode

Just switch the user back to your normal user (username) su username Additional you can run sudo -k to emtpy the password cache, so next time you run a sudo command you have to enter the password ...
Mr.Michael.Schulze's user avatar
1 vote

Custom keyboard shortcut now activating after second press

I answered this immediately after posting this and in so doing found a potential bug. I went to delete the shortcut and reestablish it from scratch. When I went to copy the path to the script I ...
CWW's user avatar
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What is the most simplest way to change (fix) the colors in the terminal (bash)

In the terminal, you can use the following command. gsettings set io.elementary.terminal.settings background '#090921111a1b' The Hash #090921111a1b is broken down to #RRRRGGGGBBBB in base16 0-f ...
Michael Warner's user avatar
1 vote

What is the most simplest way to change (fix) the colors in the terminal (bash)

Try Elementary Tweaks, as described here ( It will appear in Settings panel.
Erick's user avatar
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How to Share the environment Paths between Bash, fish and zsh shells

These shells do not use the same configuration files. Normally the PATH environment variable is set in /etc/profile and ~/.profile which are files read by bash (and dash) but by neither of fish or zsh....
lemonslice's user avatar
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1 vote

.bashrc doesn't exist and doesn't work

There must be some configuration issues, as there is a .bashrc and a .profile file in a default user home directory. You can check the default settings files in /etc/skel. Or you might want to ...
lemonslice's user avatar
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Syntax error after running every command in tmux

Using an editor such as nano or vim, Add the line unset PROMPT_COMMAND to your .bashrc file, and it will take effect on the next session. To apply the change immediately for the life of the current ...
Simon B's user avatar
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