
Don't touch the [tag:kernel], please, if you need space there's other places you can chop and vandalize. There's a reason you always have two version of the [tag:kernel] in the system. And [tag:apt] always tells you to remove the old (3rd one) when you upgrade it.


[tag:apt] has space to fix itself, why didn't you answer `Y` *(yes)* when you ran `sudo apt install -f`?

Just run

    sudo apt install -f

answer *yes*, and then run

    sudo apt autoremove


Now if you want to make space...

Run the command as [tag:root]

    # du -h / -d 1 --exclude=/home

or with `sudo`

    $ sudo du -h / -d 1 --exclude=/home

*(choose one)*

There we could see which directory uses more space, I bet and probably is `/var`. The moment you provide that feedback we can continue. Because the nature of you problem is space and I can't tell you to run commands that need space to work.

I could tell you, as an answer, to shrink `/home` to give more space to `/`, but that will need a lot of time and you could lose data in the process, so the best way _now_ is to go step by step. You more than an answer need a solution and I can help you if you keep giving us the information.

One thing is sure, you have space to make. No way you need 19 Gigs in the root mount point