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How to set the default browser from within a shell script

I am trying to write a shell script that automates the setup of my Elementary distro so I can quickly reinstall everything on a new machine. As such I am looking to see how I can set the default ...
Luke Shields's user avatar
1 vote
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Ctrl + Tab not working for Loki Terminal with Fish

I am using the latest Elementary 0.4 with Fish as my primary shell; Ctrl + Tab used to switch between the shell tabs is not working.
Sarvex's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Critical System Issue

Since attempting to install Steam and receiving the error message that there are apparently "held packages" on my system, I attempted to start my computer today and it repeatedly fails to load the OS. ...
ans318's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can't execute shell scripts

I'm running elementary OS Freya on a HP Notebook. I downloaded the game "Faster than Light" and the launcher is a shellscript. Even with the +x permssion I get "permission denied" messages. I don't ...
piteco's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to install Fish shell

For those who don't know what's Fish shell here's the home page I would like to install it and make it default. But under their homepage when I click on download I'm redirected to the ppa page. How ...
Fabio Antunes's user avatar