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Questions tagged [notification-badge]

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3 votes
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How to get badge notifications on the dock icon for third-party apps?

In my case it's Caprine (Facebook messenger app). In caprine.desktop I added X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true and Categories=GNOME;GTK;Network;Chat;, but I only get notifications in the notification ...
cristian mos's user avatar
2 votes
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Sound icon problem [closed]

I have a problem with elementary OS Freya. My computer has one of its speakers broken, so I have the sound balance totally on one side. I can't modify the sound level trough notification area when I ...
Alberto's user avatar
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How do I enable notification badges on plank?

I'm running Freya on my system, though I never did a clean install of the stable, I always just kept updating the beta. I don't get any notification badge on plank, except for Geary, but I know for a ...
Giulio Sant's user avatar
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Getting notifications from a deleted app

Hello everyone im running elementary OS 5.0 Juno Linux 4.15.0-47-generic, GTK+ 3.22.30 I downloaded about a week Badger 1.3.0. I uninstalled the app but I still get notifications from the app as if ...
Qais Abou Jaoudé's user avatar
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Is there a way to reorder systray indicator icons? [duplicate]

I have a hard disk free space indicator icon in the notification area that I would like to move. Is there a way to do that in elementary? THANKS!!
kingogames's user avatar
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AppCenter is showing non-existing updates badge counter

Since yesterday, one update is always showing, but no update is actually there. I don't have any PPA installed, everything has been installed trough AppCenter. I tried to update everything through ...
Travis's user avatar
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Graphical glitch for notification bubbles

since few days i have some strange graphical glitch for notification bubbles from all application. Someone have the same problem? Some advice to how to fix it? Tnx.
Maurizio's user avatar