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Questions tagged [codec]

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Videos has no picture, but VLC works

Videos app has sound but no picture. VLC however works on the same file just fine. I have already done: sudo apt install -y ubuntu-restricted-extras libavcodec-extra libdvd-pkg Yes, I know, the ...
Gary's user avatar
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Converting .mp3 to .aac

I've switched from Windows to Elementary OS, and the only part of my day-to-day life that is impacted by the switch is managing my music library. I like to have my library in .aac format, but I'm ...
Alan Brockway's user avatar
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Install codec for mkv

I would really like to take use of Audience. But most of the movies I got on my PC are .mkv files. Is there a way to install the codec I need to play them in Audience? I'm not a great fan of the audio ...
Bejlem's user avatar
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How to find out what codec is used in a video

How to find what codec was used in a video (Audio/Video) and extra information like in nautilus. The below screenshot is from nautilus. Is there any GUI way to find codec information, without ...
Ravan's user avatar
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How can I see the thumbnails of HEVC and mkv with VP9 encode videos?

As you can see in the picture below, only the H264 codec video shows up its thumbnail, not the HEVC or VP9 (mkv). How do I see their thumbnails?
JulianLai's user avatar
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CPU Overload when watching video

I don't know the exact reason, but whenever I'm watching a video (doesn't matter if it's Youtube or VLC), after some minutes (twenty or so), my CPU usage spikes to 100%. I've been trying to see what ...
Anita Rodríguez Riano's user avatar
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Adding support for the “hevc” format to VLC without using ppa

I know that I can add support with this code: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:strukturag/libde265 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde265 But I do try to avoid ...
Ravit's user avatar
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How can I play .wma files with Music?

What codec is needed for me to play .wma files? I can confirm that the file is not corrupted. I can play it in another app (VLC for example). I've already installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
Karl Morrison's user avatar
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Why HEVC format requires Dual-Core CPU?

I have an Intel Core i3 CPU m 380 @253GHz, and I had tried to play a HEVC file in VLC; it played but not smoothly(RAM is 4GB). However, I have another laptop of with Pentium R Dual-Core CPU T4500 @2....
Usernew's user avatar
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How do I add support for the "hevc" format to VLC? [duplicate]

No suitable decoder module: VLC does not support the audio or video format “hevc". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.
Lewis Goddard's user avatar
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What codec do I need to play MP4-Videos on my pc? (offline)

I am new to elementary OS, what codec do I need to play MP4 videos from my storage off-line? I get this error message: Oops! Audience kann diese Datei nicht wiedergeben! No URI set. (in English: Oops!...
TheoM's user avatar
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How to support iTunes on Luna?

I have installed Luna alongside on my macBook. Now i want to play my iTunes music, but it seems that Luna can't support it. Is there any codec package to support apple iTunes music files?
Martin's user avatar
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What extra codecs do I need to play movies from Google Play?

Mint is the only Linux distribution (distro) I've found that lets me play movies I've purchased on Google Play without installing anything extra. What does Mint have in its multimedia pack that other ...
Michael McTheny's user avatar
10 votes
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How to play H.265/HEVC videos?

I cannot play H.265/HEVC videos. While trying to play video I get an error "Audience needs video/x-unknown decoder to play this file". Here's a screenshot of an error. If I click on install video ...
Snykri's user avatar
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