How do I change the behavior of the PrntScrn-key such that it launches the Screenshot application?

The default behavior for the PrntScrn-key on my computer is to take a screen shot of the whole screen, but I'd like Screenshot Application to launch so I can choose which part of the screen to capture.

5 Answers 5

  1. Go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts

enter image description here

  1. Choose Custom and click on the + sign.

  2. You'll be requested to enter a command. Type this as a command: screenshot-tool.

  3. Click on the Disabled string next to it.

  4. Press your Print Screen button.

enter image description here

  1. You'll get this dialog. Press the Reassign button.

enter image description here

  • 1
    after making the changes like what you told. i pressed print screen button but nothing happened to me'
    – Kvvaradha
    Dec 11, 2015 at 11:45

The default screenshot tool of elementary OS offers the possibility to record only a portion of the screen or just the current running app. Have a look at the keyboard options in the system settings. There is a section just for screenshots with all possible hotkeys.


Follow @r3bl steps but use this command:

screenshot-tool --screen --clipboard

this will take a screenshot and save it to the clipboard too. These are all the options you can add:

--window    Capture active window
--area      Capture area
--screen    Capture the whole screen
--delay     Take screenshot after specified delay
--grab      Include the pointer with the screenshot
--redact    Redact system text
--clipboard Save screenshot to clipboard

In Juno, there's a shortcut section for screenshots. It includes several shortcut options. Shift + PrintScreen lets you select an area to grab:

screenshot shortcuts in juno

(You can see from the screenshot I started with disabling the default shortcut, but I'm going to re-enable it, as the point in changing it was to get the functionality of the Shift + PrintScreen shortcut.)


Go to System settings --> Keyboard --> add custom shortcut of printscreen select screenshot app and done.

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