How to find what codec was used in a video (Audio/Video) and extra information like in nautilus. The below screenshot is from nautilus.


Is there any GUI way to find codec information, without shifting from file manager?

Is it possible to get the details in pantheon-files ?

I have already tried mediainfo-gui

1 Answer 1


This is not a complete GUI information, but the next solution to it, I think. On Github there are contracts among other for video and audio information: Create a file in /usr/share/contractor

  • Open Scratch as root gksudo scratch-text-editor (in order to create the file in /usr/share/contractor).
  • Create a new file and copy and paste following lines.
  • Save as mediainfo.contract
  • Log out.

For video:

[Contractor Entry]
Name=Media info
Description=media info
Exec=gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=new1 -e "mediainfo -i %f"

For audio:

[Contractor Entry]
Name=Media info
Description=media info
Exec=gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=new1 -e "mediainfo -i %f"

EDIT: Seems that Scratch does not create the right file type, so use gedit instead.

  • Can you provide details instead of links :)
    – Ravan
    Jan 1, 2016 at 10:02

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