I would like to have an icon for Dropbox in Wingpanel (preferably one that matches the style of the default icons there) and have it display the current status (updated, synchronizing, offline).
What's the best/easiest way to achieve this?
To add the Dropbox icon to the Panel I used the script "Dropbox for elementary OS", available here.
This script, designed for elementary OS, installs the latest version of Dropbox and integrates it with WingPanel.
Before you install
You need to install git
sudo apt-get install git
and uninstall any previous version of Dropbox on your system:
sudo apt-get remove dropbox*
git clone https://github.com/zant95/elementary-dropbox /tmp/elementary-dropbox
bash /tmp/elementary-dropbox/install.sh
Dropbox will auto-update when a new version is available.
git clone https://github.com/zant95/elementary-dropbox /tmp/elementary-dropbox
bash /tmp/elementary-dropbox/uninstall.sh
will remove your personal files? Absolutely not, only the files pertaining to the app will be removed.
means it will take it some time to re-index all your files. That's just a check to see if what's in their database matches what you have on your system, it will not have to download/upload all your files again.
There's no point of running that script (that downloads Dropbox again, plus another time for the executable).
Just unset the dropbox application from the startup applications (Parameters=> Applications => Startup)
And then create a new startup application with these instructions
You will get a nice dropbox icon ! ;-)
WATCH OUT for the single quotes !
ATTENTION: To get the legacy indicators (like Dropbox) displayed, you will need to install elementary-indicators.
elementary OS 5 Juno and later does not have a “system tray” or support app indicators, as this is a decade-deprecated API and has been replaced with more useful, purposeful APIs like CloudProviders. You can read about all of that in this elementary blog post.
Since Dropbox is a proprietary app, only Dropbox themselves can update their app to support modern APIs that are used by desktops like elementary OS and GNOME. Alternatively, someone could apply for a developer API key and attempt to make an open source Dropbox front-end that integrates with these modern APIs.
Until one of those happens, there is no supported way to get better Dropbox integration into elementary OS.
, but I don't know how to integrate the app withFiles