I've been using a script to display a notification via notify-send that showed the volume level on my pc. (this script is called from a keybinding trigger that also lowers/raises the volume, and then reports the current volume with this script). the script is:
exec /usr/bin/notify-send " " -i notification-audio-volume-high -h int:value:"$(amixer -c "CA0106" -q | grep -A5 Master | grep '%' | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1)" -h string:synchronous:volume
This worked well on Ubuntu, but doesn't seem to work properly on elementary. The notification shows, but it doesn't display the volume level, and also a new notification shows every time the button is pressed instead pf refreshing itself.
I know I can fix this because the built-in notification associated with the dedicated volume buttons works perfectly, so I guess I need to adjust my code so it works properly on elementary. can anyone give me a hand with this? how can I send an audio notification in elementary? Thanks in advance
bassically the command notify-send " " -h int:value:99 -h string:synchronous:volume
is ignoring the parameter -h int:value:number