I'm really keen to tackle some minor bug-fixes (I hope) for Elementary OS but am struggling to find the relevant source code amongst the plethora of source code branches.
Major barriers to me finding the relavant source are
- being new to BZR
- being new to Launchpad
- being new to dealing with Linux distribution projects and how they are built and structured
The bugs I would like to look into both relate to the keyboard settings dialog/application:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryos/+bug/1487760 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryos/+bug/1486857
Can anyone offer any pointers for where to look for the source? Plus any online resources for grokking how these projects hang together and are built?
Footnote: I have already found the source repo(s)? for the OS on launchpad and have managed to checkout the trunk and build the ISO. Looking at the source of that branch showed very little code however, and I am struggling to see where it is pulling in all its pieces.