wanted to install firefox esr via the package from mozilla.com and still want to. Found an guide to do so which includes to unpack the package to /opt = "sudo tar -xvjf firefox-10.0.2.tar.bz2 -C /opt". Well surprise there is no /opt in elementary loki and i really don't want to use any PPA.

My Question(s):

  • does it matter where to extract the package? means do i need to create /opt?
  • or is there another way? whats my best Option?


1 Answer 1


You can extract it anywhere as long as you don't create a conflict with firefox dependencies. To be safe and for ease of finding its location, I recommend just putting it on /opt.

Just create the /opt directory manually via terminal or file manager with root privileges. Since elementary doesn't use it by default, it's safe to put manually downloaded software in it.

  • created /opt with 775 permissions
    – fireballs
    Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 17:39

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