I have the ISO downloaded from the ElementaryOS web site, in the install support only show how install from a USB Drive but I want know if can I burn the ISO in a CD and install from the CD?
I hope your response
Elementary OS Loki doesn't fit in a CD. You must use a DVD instead. Use any DVD record program to burn the iso in your DVD. Change boot priority in your Bios (some bios can select boot priority by F12 key) see your BIOS manual for instructions. Boot in live mode to see that everything works in your computer and once you have checked that your hardware runs well: install and enjoy.
Just use one of CD burning software and burn the CD, and try to boot
the only difference I see is that you will need to set the CD as a boot option prior to HDD
Everything else should be the same
Burn the .iso file into a cd using softwares like poweriso
Remember to make it bootable
Get into bios settings during startup
Make the priority into optical drive and save changes
Else you are done
Here's a reference-style link to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ-6iYCDFrA&t=303s