I wanted to create an Inbox webapp. I tried epiphany and chromium but I wasnt satisfied with both.

Now I want to delete them but I dont know where to find the .desktop files? Can anyone give the locations?


3 Answers 3


You will find your .desktop files under ~/.local/share/applications/


You can delete Epiphany webapps completely from the browser, in the about:applications page. They also create a browser profile directory in ~/.config/epiphany in addition to the .desktop file, if you have manually removed the .desktop files take also a second to remove the profile dir.


You will also find them in /usr/share/applications

  • 1
    These are system-wide installed files, not user-made ones.
    – lemonslice
    May 8, 2017 at 8:20
  • Good point lemonslice. I misread the initial post. Thanks!
    – pretz
    May 9, 2017 at 11:59

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