I'm dual booting elementary os Loki with windows 10 (Acer Aspire R-13), the install seems to work fine and I got up and running but when I shut down and restart the computer it defaults back to windows unless...
If the USB i installed off of is in the computer grub comes up for that I can press type "exit" in then select "Unknown Device:" which is the install of element os, once i'm in the OS i can remove the USB no problem but I can't figure out the boot without it.
Random other info that may help, maybe but figured more info is useful -I'm running a SSD -My partions are labeled weird instead of sdXY they are under /dev/mapper and apparently can be gotten to by /dev/dm-Y -I've tried reinstalling the OS -I've tried fixing Grub to no avail - current linux partitions are "/", "swap" and "/home"