Everything I open will open in this cretain of a browser called Epiphany. Discord, Thunderbird, etc.. all Links open a new instance or tab in Epiphany. I do want to open everything only in Firefox. I can't be the only one. How to mitigate this issue?

3 Answers 3


Go to System Settings > Applications > Default Tab. There you can set your default web browser, email client, text editor etc.

enter image description here


In some instances, the program you want to define as default does not appear on its category menu drop-down in System Settings > Applications > Default tab

Another way is to right click on a file with an extension (for a web browser, that would be a .html file), and set the program to be used in Properties.


This can also be set directly from a terminal with the xdg-settings command. Just provide file name of the .desktop file for the browser, often available in /usr/share/applications or in ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/ if the browser was installed as a Flatpak. For instance, to set the default web browser to Firefox, assuming it's installed of course, just use the following command.

$ xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop

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